Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Our Weaknesses


Romans 8 vs 26

“Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercessi­on for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.”

We all have fundamenta­l weaknesses that alter our personalit­ies; for some it is being short tempered, for others it’s issues around confidence and self-belief, for others it’s bad habits they have developed over time, but the net sum is we are all less than perfect.

How we deal with these weaknesses differs from one person to the next, some people take charge and systematic­ally work towards eradicatin­g these things that they do that let them down. However, the vast majority of us just live with these things that we don’t like and allow them to drag us down.

Remember Samson in the Bible, he had a weakness that saw him seeking love from a woman of a different tribe, which was not recommende­d in his time. Through his weakness he eventually gave in and revealed where he derived his strength from.

The remainder of the story speaks of defeat and ultimately the death of Samson.

We are all guilty of something or the other that is drawing us from our true potential and if not properly dealt with, could be the reason we fail to succeed.

I have noted over time that the mind is probably the most powerful tool that we have, not all of us get the full benefit of what our mind can inspire us to do. We only use a fraction of the ability that is before us to think, find strength and become better people.

Recently someone I know was lamenting on how old they are and how they felt they have led a wasted life and how ultimately they could not possibly see how they can get out of the dead end that is their life. It would appear that this individual’s mind has reached a point where it has become a major weakness and the only thing one can derive from it is condemnati­on and a sense of failure.

We all have different things that hold us back or significan­tly alter our characters to a point where it becomes self-destructiv­e. In Samson’s weakest moment, surrounded by his enemies who were taunting him, he cried out to God one last time seeking divine strength to bring the temple down. His prayer was heard, the Lord granted his wish and he brought down this mighty building and killed everyone who was in it.

Do you have personalit­y defects or habits that are holding you back? Today cry out to God, seek Him and ask Him to grant you the strength to overcome, like Samson. The bible says you should knock and the door shall be opened unto you, likewise knock on heaven’s door and ask for liberation from your weaknesses.

It all starts with a prayer request, keep praying until your issue has been resolved. It can take anything from an instant to a lifetime, but the request will be noted and at God’s appropriat­e time He will help you overcome.

Don’t hold yourself back any longer, say no to the things that make you less than the perfect being you should be. Work with the Lord on a journey of restoratio­n and discovery as you work towards being the person you were destined to be.

Be blessed

REFLECTION­S OF A WORK IN PROGRESS . . . For more info: Visit our website: www.thefig-tree. org; e-mail us on; catch us on StarFM, Monday to Friday at 0620hours.

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