Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Brand ED Mnangagwa shaping up, working


ACOUPLE of months ago, at the height of the factional fighting in the ruling Zanu-PF, a small study I carried out while in South Africa led me to conclude that the then Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa who at the time was politicall­y besieged, was also a “victim” of bad public relations (how his relationsh­ips with publics have been held) and bad publicity (how he has been covered in the media) which has resulted in and from, equally, bad perception and image management.

I noted that amid skulldugge­ry, Cde Mnangagwa had been associated with characters that were toxic to his brand — as the next President — as some characters purporting to act on his behalf were seen in traditiona­l and social media as pushing a narrow and overwhelmi­ngly negative perception associated with tribalism.

It appeared then that there was little or no attempt to build a brand for the then VP.

In light of the multi-faceted political battle that Cde Mnangagwa faced, it was critical to define his political brand and activate the most appropriat­e mechanisms of communicat­ion to promote an accurate perception of his politics.

Political branding is about how a political organisati­on or individual is perceived overall by the public.

According to political communicat­ion literature, political branding is broader than the product; whereas a product has distinct functional parts such as a politician and policy, a brand is intangible and psychologi­cal.

It is said a political brand is “the overarchin­g feeling, impression, associatio­n or image the public has towards a politician, political organisati­on, or nation” which helps a party or politician help change or maintain reputation and support, create a feeling of identity with the party or its candidates and create a trusting relationsh­ip between political elites and consumers. A political brand is understood more quickly. Looking back at the turbulent era, there was a very scant notion of the brand and this affected a key process called perception.

Perception is defined as the “process by which individual­s select, organise, and interpret the input from their senses to give meaning and order to the world around them”.

According to political communicat­ion literature, components of perception include the perceiver, target of perception, and the situation.

It is argued that perception is as strong as reality as people tend to believe what they see to be true and may be influenced to either reinforce this perception or change it depending on the strength and agency. A couple of months on, there is a positive turnaround. Brand ED Mnangagwa is clearly discernibl­e and perception­s are changing — and changing fast. President Mnangagwa is winning a lot of support. He is charming a nation, and the world. The first level of understand­ing his image-building and branding efforts is through his speeches.

He has assured Zimbabwe that he is “everyone’s President”.

He said in his inaugural speech on November 24: “My Presidency should not be perceived as a rise in the fortunes of a region, or a tribe or a totem, no. My Presidency is about a united Zanu-PF, a national party with a national outlook.

“I stand before you therefore as the President of a united, non-racial Zimbabwe, itself home to many tongues, dialects, cultures, colours, age groups.

“I am a President of women and men; the young and the old; the able-bodied and the physically challenged; the rich and the poor; the well and the sick. I am an emissary of all the veterans and heroes, dead or alive who through their blood sketched the cause and mission which my Presidency must promote, must actualise and advance.

“I am a President for Ndebeles, Shonas, Zezurus, Ndaus, Karangas, Manyikas, Vendas, the Chewas, Sothos.

“I am also the President for the Tongas, Tswanas, Xhosas, Khoisans, Shangaans, Kalangas, Nambyans and other races, all who are celebrated in our national Constituti­on.”

This is key to the brand — and he has also acted on it by mainly balancing ethnic compositio­n of leadership around him, something that you would not expect from a tribal leader or, for that matter, a “Midlands godfather”.

Indeed, there have been a number of personalit­ies from Masvingo and Midlands, the so-called Karanga, who sought to play the tribal card and had a sense of entitlemen­t, which has happily not been rewarded.

Cde Mnangagwa’s brand has won a lot of shine, thanks to his recent visit to ailing opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai.

He has shown to be a compassion­ate and caring leader and human being.

Juxtapose that with the philanthro­pic work being done by the First Lady, Auxillia, and a picture of a compassion­ate and humane new administra­tion becomes fuller. It is a side that we did not see before the transition. Cde Mnangagwa’s policies — including cost cutting in travel and spending — have the effect of enhancing a positive brand while pictures of him at work gives us an image of a doer.

There is a perception that Cde Mnangagwa is business-savvy and his appearance­s at business events or functions — along with manner of dress (talk of cutting on those “Chinese suits”) and speaking — will carry a helpful role in his image and branding.

On the main, Brand ED Mnangagwa is shining and growing fast.

Cde Mnangagwa will have to consistent­ly demonstrat­e that he is, among other things: National leader vs regional/tribal “Godfather” Respected rather than feared Doer vs rhetoricia­n

Show compassion, love (Father Figure) vs aloofness and vindictive­ness Nationalis­t rather than tribalist Forward-looking vs historic Proactive vs reactive Practical vs aspiration­al Back in September, I identified that Brand ED Mnangagwa would also involve: setting up a strategic communicat­ion and brand team, pruning off and dissociati­on with negative/toxic characters, public show of a softer/side (He once said he is soft as wool) and on the main his life story will need to be told to confront historical and personal issues, myths and misconcept­ions.

The brand of the leader is critical — in this transition­al process — as it is tied to perception. We note that perception can be as strong as reality. The brand of the national leader will rub off onto Zimbabwe.

The good thing is that a brand is shaping up and positively.

Just consider this comment from a South African newspaper, Sunday Independen­t: “Emmerson Mnangagwa, the new President of Zimbabwe, is not an ogre with evil intent as his detractors make him out to be. He is a courteous, amiable, honest to goodness person, who is now on a new mission to fix what needs to fixed in his home country so that Zimbabwe can become an asset yet again in the geopolitic­al region of southern Africa — just as many compatriot­s would want it to be.” It will be critical to maintain this kind of vibe. Margaret Scammel, writing in Journal of Political Marketing in 2015 says:

“The beauty about a political brand as a concept is that it is broad and inclusive; it brings together the rational and the irrational, the hard and soft elements of voter choice, the big dimensions of political reputation­s and the seemingly trivial details of tone and voice.”

 ??  ?? President Emmerson Mnangagwa
President Emmerson Mnangagwa

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