Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

President to step down if he loses election

- Kuda Bwititi recently Gaborone, Botswana in

PRESIDENT Mnangagwa has reiterated that he will step down if he loses the elections to be held in a few months.

He made the remarks while addressing hundreds of Zimbabwean­s living in Botswana who attended an interactiv­e dialogue with him on Monday.

He was responding to a question on whether he will accept defeat.

President Mnangagwa challenged those that did not want to vote for him to do so saying he would still romp to victory in the polls.

“The test of the pudding is in the eating. My brother you are welcome to come and vote in Zimbabwe. There are four harmonised elections. You will vote for the President in a separate vote, the MP, the councillor and the Senator.

“So if you are worried about me, come and cast a vote against me, but I will still win,” he said drawing laughter from the audience.

President Mnangagwa said if he loses the election, he would gladly step down to allow the wishes of the people to prosper.

He expressed confidence of defeating the opposition in the elections to be held around July this year.

“In Zimbabwe when we had our Constituti­onal vote in 2000, we lost but we were expected to win. And indeed, if I lose, I will step down my brother and with grace because the people would have spoken. The voice of the people is the voice of God.”

President Mnangagwa said under the Government’s “Zimbabwe is open for Business” stance, foreigners that invest money in the country can repatriate their investment­s to their home countries, provided they do not breach the Exchange Control Act.

During the explosive dialogue chief executive of Choppies Botswana Ramachandr­an Ottapathu, who partnered disgraced former Vice President Phelekezel­a Mphoko to set up the retail chain in Zimbabwe, said he had never received persecutio­n from the Zimbabwe Government despite the former’s shameful exit from Government.

“After former Vice President Mphoko was fired, I had been told that I would be persecuted if I went to Zimbabwe. But I was shocked when I was treated very well and all my 32 shops are still running in the country.

“I would like to thank you Your Excellency for that and it shows Zimbabwe is open for business” he said.

During the meeting, concern was also raised about ill-treatment of Zimbabwean­s living in Botswana with authoritie­s saying talks are currently underway with the Government to address the issue.

Other matters raised include the high cost of doing business in the country, request by the Diaspora community to be allocated land and to be allowed to vote.

President Mnangagwa said he would remain a listening President and address all issues raised by the people.

He said Government would continue the fight against corruption, saying the full results of the anti-graft drive will show in time.

The President also said there had been positive response to the moratorium that he issued for those that externalis­ed funds to return the money.

 ??  ?? President Mnangagwa
President Mnangagwa

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