Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

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RESPONSE to “Acting President call for mature democracy”. Thank you Vice President. Maturity is key in politics and we don’t see any in the supposed opposition. — Nate.

RESPONSE to “More cracks in MDC Alliance”. By the time we get to the elections, more would have happened in the MDC. — Gurai Jena.

RESPONSE to “More cracks in MDC Alliance”. This alliance of power hungry MDC crooks is going to split soon after their primary elections, just watch. Who is going to vote for Biti? — Cosmos P Kofi.

RESPONSE to “Salary increase for civil servants”. It’s a good start. Half a loaf is better than nothing. More can be done though to motivate these people, they are the backbone of our country. Thank you for the initiative. — Lilian Mutendi.

RESPONSE to “ED wins internatio­nal admiration”. Even the internatio­nal community admires the President. He is working hard to ensure a better Zimbabwe. I am sure after elections a lot will change, with the support of other countries. — Charles Tsodzo.

RESPONSE to “Stop child marriages says, First Lady”. These children need to grow up and make their own decisions rather than forcing them. It destroys their future. The practice needs to be stopped completely. — Truthhurts.

RESPONSE to “Farms and stands for women, youths: ZANU-PF”. This sounds nice. Women need to be empowered. Maybe the Government should also consider widows in rural areas and assist them so that they have sources of income to raise children. — Gracious Simukirai.

ILLEGAL trade of cash has become one of the reasons why there is cash shortages in the banks. Money changers should face prosecutio­n and all the money they flaunt in the streets be channelled back into banks. There is a lot of cash in the streets and nothing in the banks and we are suffering. Whilst you are on it, also penalise Ecocash agents for charging extra, that should be a criminal offence too. — Tinei.

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