H Metro

Be ready for the worst


Reports that three children drowned on Saturday in a shaft left open in the paddocks in Kuwadzana should get people — adults and kids alike — thinking.

The three Kuwadzana kids were reported to have been visiting the ditch to swim whenever it was filled with water following heavy rains.

Residents had no kind words for the City of Harare over leaving open shafts following the tragic incident.

Yes the city council must work hard to fill up such shafts and all potentiall­y hazardous places as the rain season intensifie­s.

However, parents and guardians must also warn children against playing near such water bodies and in the rain as loss of life is a real risk if they do so.

Lightning and flooding are likely risks that kids have to be warned about.

Flooded water bodies in particular are a disturbing cause of death every rain season.

We were informed by the Met department that we will receive normal to above normal rainfall so it means floods cannot be ruled out. Hailstorms, thundersto­rms, flash floods can also happen posin ga danger time. to both people and infrastruc­ture.

Last year, many areas experience­d rainfall related disasters whereby were damaged homesteads by hailstorms. and schools

It will rain throughout Zimbabwe this season and the possible dangers are the same, if not worse as we are likely to experience more rainfall this season. We all must be wary. Before persistent rains fall, we must all know how to avoid dangers associated with heavy rains. When flood warnings are issued, they should be taken seriously and people must know time dos and don’ts to avoid falling victim to flooding. The biggest threat is when you are left homeless after flooding and it is important not to panic faced with such a scenario. In some cases, a flood may prompt the water authoritie­s to temporaril­y shut off water service to some areas. Make sure you know where to get fresh water if this happens to you and conserve what you get.

Try to help clean up any damage in your community or donate money to a fund to help people whose homes were hit hard by the flooding.

Any natural disaster is a scary and uncertain time. We all hope that it won’t be us facing the damages, but we never know who will be hit the worst. Keep your family together and offer assistance to anyone who needs it, and always know that the situation will get better in time. We all remember what happened recently with Cyclone Idai which left Manicaland ravaged with many losing their homes. Before that Tokwe Mukosi also experience­d serious flooding. It is always good to prepare for the worst.

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