H Metro

Celebs warn against drunk driving

…urge public to be cautious

- H-Metro Reporters JOE NJAGU

TOMORROW is a remarkable day in which many people across the globe, believers and non-believers, will be celebratin­g Christmas Day.

Christmas is the day the Christian world celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ and it’s that time where relatives and friends hook up after a while.

Our reporters interviewe­d a number of celebritie­s to find out how they will celebrate the holidays and their advice. Read on…


We planned something and tried to go somewhere where there is water and sand.

I have also just finished my album, so I need to rest as well. The wife had chosen between Zanzibar and Mozambique so between the two that is where I will be for Christmas. I will be out of the country just trying to get some sun, sand, water and lots of alcohol.

I urge my fans and the public not to drink and drive and corona is still killing people the same with HIV so protect yourself. Do not forget to share this festive holiday.


Let’s take it easy. Don’t get over excited. No to drink and drive. Let’s drink and sleep.

Let’s celebrate Christmas with caution and do not forget that there is Covid-19 out there. Be very cautious over who we invite because corona haina kuti ihama yako yauya. Be careful and protect yourselves. Kana wakanonoka tanga kufamba a day before so that we do not cause accidents. But above all, I wish my fans a merry Christmas and happy New year.


It’s been a tough year for everyone. When the year started, no one would have thought that we would spend the whole year locked indoors. But unfortunat­ely, it was beyond our control. No matter what you went through, be grateful for being alive.


It’s a working holiday for Nicholas Zakaria. On

Christmas Eve we will be in Mt Darwin, Friday in Kadoma (Chakari) for private function then will be back home to have family time by Saturday. Let’s be responsibl­e citizens this holiday.


Christmas is family time so I am going to spend my time with my family and my daughter after performing with Herman and Terry Africa. My Advice this festive season is to stay safe, wear your masks and don’t drink and drive.

SLICK PASTOR (NIGEL MARITINYU) I’ll just be relaxing at home with family and friends. I encourage people to make time for God and their loved ones. Use the holiday break to pause and reflect on the year and how they can make the next one better.


Keep maintainin­g Covid-19 preventive measures. Wear masks. The virus is real. We also urge people to pray. As gospel singers, we say people should pray without ceasing towards the new year so that 2021 will be blessed. If you prepare now, next year will be a blessed year. We thank our fans for standing with us, for supporting our music, and all the sponsors, fans, radio stations, be blessed. We will be making sure we release four videos for the fans, both new and old. During this Christmas, people should not drink and drive. Real drivers should be on the roads. All those without licenses should stay off the road. People should not travel during the night. Parties should be limited as well. Keep social distance, Covid-19 does not choose whether you are on Christmas or party or New Year. Enjoy the videos of Handidi Haitengesw­e, Munondida, Makanaka and Mudzimai Akanaka on Christmas.

Well with Covid-19 this year, it is a different Christmas vibe. Used to travelling away for the holidays but this time we have to stay put. We will

try to enjoy as much time with family. We are going to be at the parents’ place, hanging out. I personally have some work to do but on the day just going to take a day off to spend with family. Merry Xmas everyone.


It’s our fi rst Christmas as a family outside Africa and it comes soon after my graduation and release of my new song. Therefore we are just going to relax and reflect here in Dallas as we try to breathe after a hectic year. Due to the pandemic we won’t be visiting anyone. We will try to make the best of what we can as a family.


For me, Christmas time is a time to celebrate life and be with family. There is not much activity in terms of events. We have a few private engagement­s because of Covid-19, but we are taking time to work on video concepts for some of the songs from my 2020 album Chii Chakadaro.


Th is year I am taking time to visit friends and family. We have not had the opportunit­y to do so due to the lockdown and other commitment­s. We also will be visiting a few homes and donating groceries to disadvanta­ged children under the Goodchild Foundation project. Christmas is a time to give and a time to share. Besides physical gift s, we also can share Love and Hope! It has not been an easy year. Some have lost their loved ones to Covid-19, accidents and other ailments. Let’s take this season as a platform to comfort one another. Let’s remember the less privileged as well.


All I can say is let us be safe.Covid-19 is still real and don’t drink and drive. I will be having good moments with relatives whom I last saw years back. I have already visited my grandmothe­r who looked after me. It has been long since I saw her and this time is for showing some love. Drive to get there, do not drink whilst driving.


We will be delivering to our clients who needed Christmas delivery. We will be taking time off in January but festive period is the time we make hay whilst the sun is shining.


I usually do the opposite when it is a holiday like Christmas. I do not really like travelling, I wanna stay home. I usually visit my parents during the normal time of the year and Christmas, I want to be home. My kids always want to travel and as for me, I will be home. For those traveling, please take it easy on the road. Those having fun, enjoy. Life is too short. Enjoy the work you had throughout the year. Let us be careful of the Covid-19, its still there. Remember to take all the necessary precaution­ary measures. Above all pray, pray without ceasing, so that God protects you wherever you are going.


Th is holiday I have no much plans as I will be away from the family and fully working. However that same day marks my daughter Mutsawashe’s 14th birthday so the plan is to spoil her with goodies so that she enjoys with family and friends. My simple advice is that people should spend responsibl­y as January is a week away and responsibi­lities that come with it cannot be postponed.


Lockdown disturbed us so much and this wave of corona is still around so I will be chilling at home, nothing much to do. We are appealing to the President to help our industry because it is now down. People should just stay safe during these holidays.


I will be with the fans because lockdown made our lives tougher. Now it’s time for us to look for money because in January school kids will be going back to school. I am sorry to my family members because I will not be with them as I will be after money. I only urge the public to stay safe because Covid-19 is still there.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? PASTOR Muchaita and wife
PASTOR Muchaita and wife
 ??  ?? MAI Titi with her fiancé
MAI Titi with her fiancé
 ??  ?? BEVERLY Sibanda
 ??  ?? SLICK Pastor
SLICK Pastor
 ??  ?? PAH Chihera
PAH Chihera
 ??  ?? ZOEY
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? REV Togarepi Chivaviro
REV Togarepi Chivaviro
 ??  ?? NICHOLAS Zacharia
 ??  ?? FARIRAI Mamombe
 ??  ?? TRYSON Chimbetu
TRYSON Chimbetu
 ??  ?? DERECK Mpofu
 ??  ?? FAITH Candy
 ??  ?? JOE Njagu
JOE Njagu

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