H Metro




Latwell Nyangu

THE National Blood Services of Zimbabwe (NBSZ) is appealing for blood donors of all blood groups to come forward to donate as blood stocks have gone critically low.

In a statement, NBSZ Communicat­ions Officer Ephraim Mubayi said: “The Covid-19 pandemic has created challenges that have impacted on blood stocks globally and Zimbabwe has not been spared.

“It is hard to underscore how damaging the one-two punch of Covid-19 and the lockdown measures have been on the blood bank.

“It’s not due to more patients needing blood products but rather, it’s reduction in donations coming in.”

Added the statement: “NBSZ is appealing to all blood donors who are due or who have not donated for a while and to healthy members of communitie­s who have not donated before to come forward and make a lifesaving donation.

“The NBSZ daily stock requiremen­ts nationally are at 315 units of blood.

“A little of your time will ensure that patients undergoing surgery and receiving treatment for cancer and blood diseases such as leukemia, continue to receive the life-giving transfusio­ns they need.”

According to NBSZ, for one to be eligible to donate blood, they must be aged 16 years or older, weigh at least 50kgs and be in general good health.

“Donors of all blood types are urged to give blood at their nearest donor centre or mobile blood drives.

“As from Thursday 2021, NBSZ Clinics will open from 0800hrs to 17000hrs to provide more opportunit­y for donors to donate,” added Mubayi.

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