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- — Lee.

Wisdom coming from Macheso there that alcohol will always be there even wafa. In this festive season, let’s drink responsibl­y and preserve lives. Kutori nevamwe vanhu vasina basa nehupenyu hwavo then vobva vashaya futi hanya nehupenyu hwevamwe. Kana mada kufa ingofai mega. You see some of the driving mu-road umu kuti ava vatori nengozi. Ngatimbomi­rai kuuraisa vamwe vasina mhosva. Drive to arrive alive. Kana wadhakwa buda mu-road zvachose. Ndatenda hangu. — Joe.

I have noted that Magaya has passion for football. Anotoda bhora zvekudaro. Unfortunat­ely, football can drain and leave you a poor man. The infrastruc­ture itself atori ma1. Just look at his new stadium which can be regarded as the best in this country. Hazviitwe nemunhuwo zvake. It requires a lot of money to finalise such a project. I just want to extend my profound gratitude to the man of the cloth for supporting those who love this game which can save us from being stressed. — Jabu wegemazo.

I love what the Prisons and Correction­al Services are doing in supporting inmates to do other projects which can help them to sustain a living when they leave prison. Inmates should learn while they also repent. — Zimbo.

Celebritie­s need to learn one or two from social media. I have seen many trying to evade the effects of the digital world. The recent one being DJ Ollah who disputed that he was arrested. Does he even know the actual meaning of arrest? Why then rush to deny that yet you are in handcuffs. Dzimwe nguva dzidzai kusatauris­a. The same happened to Fantan who also lied that he was not arrested yet he even appeared in court only to remain with egg on his face. Kana waita something, just remain humble hapana chaunobva than kuzopukuta mazai kumeso. — Concerned.

I was impressed by that Grade 5 pupil who wrote her Grade 7 exams and scored six units. This is very impressive. It shows this land has the capacity to produce geniuses. And we need to make use of them, groom them, provide resources for them so that they can start to explore while still young. The problem we have is that tinozoda kutanga ku-realiser the potential ine munhu at a late stage. I will just give an example. I have been reading many stories about young inventors in this country. Is there no way that we can trace these youngsters and find ways to help them? Imagine dai Daniel Chingoma akapihwa ma-resources and given a room to explore kachiri kadiki. Dai achitogadz­ira zvinhu zvihombe. Our country has talent, let’s identify such at a tender age so that vanokura vachitoket­a.

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