NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

‘AfCFTA a great leap forward for Africa’

- Cliff Chiduku

RECENTLY-APPOINTED African Union (AU) representa­tive to the United States (US) ambassador Hilda Suka-Mafudze (HSM) says Africa has the potential to attain Agenda 2063 if it gets its act together. Last week, she spoke with NewsDay (ND) senior reporter Cliff Chiduku about how COVID-19 has impacted Africa-US relations, and the African Continenta­l Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA), among other issues.

ND: Can you give a brief profile of yourself?

HSM: I am a seasoned diplomat and political expert with over two decades of practical experience in the execution, monitoring and liaison in African political affairs. I hold a Masters of Arts degree in Internatio­nal Relations from the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom and Bachelor of Science Honours degree in Sociology and Gender Developmen­t from Women’s University in Africa, Zimbabwe. I also hold various certificat­es in network leadership, diplomacy and mediation, among others.

I served as an MDC MP (2000-2005), as founder and director of a developmen­t-oriented nongovernm­ental organisati­on (2006-2009). I served as Zimbabwe ambassador to Malawi and before then served as ambassador of Zimbabwe to Sudan and South Sudan, a place where I cut my diplomatic teeth. As Zimbabwean ambassador to Sudan and South Sudan, I effectivel­y handled the two country’s secession (and post-secession) issues until 2012. Zimbabwe being one of the police contributi­ng countries to the Darfur Mission in Sudan, I have been instrument­al in the Darfur peace process and have been actively engaged in supporting the United Nations and regional mediators’ efforts.

ND: You were appointed ambassador to Sudan during the government of national unity (GNU) from MDC and after the end of the unity government; your term was extended and you were reassigned to Malawi. Did you resign from MDC? It was only you and the late Trudy

Stevenson who served beyond the GNU years despite that you were political appointees.

HSM: I was appointed ambassador to Sudan during the GNU from the Morgan Tsvangirai-led MDC. After the GNU ended, my term was extended and in the new dispensati­on, I was reassigned to Malawi. The position of an ambassador requires one to be apolitical, once you assume duty. Yes, it was only me and Stevenson who served beyond the GNU years despite that we were political appointees. I was now serving the country so I had to rise above political affiliatio­n.

Politics is dearly played at home and representi­ng one’s country is way above local machinatio­ns and needs be done diligently. Moreover, you have a lot of work, that of looking out for your country and ensuring it is at a good place. It is such an honour to get an opportunit­y to serve your country.

ND: You have become a career diplomat and in this case, an internatio­nal diplomat. You no longer represent Zimbabwe only, how did all this come about, ditching politics for diplomacy?

HSM: I am grateful for the confidence placed upon me by AU Commission chairperso­n Moussa Faki Mahamat to lead the AU Mission to the US. I serve the interests and priorities of the premier continenta­l organisati­on, the AU, all the 55 mem

bers of the union and of an Africa that is united and playing an important role in the internatio­nal landscape. Being an internatio­nal diplomat, you stand in the thick of things, speaking truth to power, defending your beautiful country, and you must be able to recommend where need be, and just be a true nationalis­t, a true Zimbabwean who wants the best for her country.

ND: Africa may have not been as devastated by COVID-19 as western Europe and the Americas, but certainly the continenta­l economy took a huge knock, a 4,5% negative growth expected in 2020. With more countries looking inward, how can you make Africa a priority to the US for investment?

HSM: The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all societies and disrupted all economies presenting an unpreceden­ted global challenge, including in Africa. The AU is actively working on several fronts, through a co-ordinated and continenta­l approach, to mobilise critical internatio­nal support to confront the unpreceden­ted social and economic dislocatio­n the pandemic has brought about.

In my recent meeting with the World Bank leadership, I underscore­d the importance of increasing liquidity for economic recovery, where Africa faces significan­t gaps, amounting to a projected US$290 billion for the next three years, according to the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund (IMF). One of my priorities in these unpreceden­ted times that offer new opportunit­ies is to take Africa-US trade and investment relations to a higher level and to advocate for a robust US private sector-led investment on the continent. Africa receives less than 1% of American investment­s worldwide, concentrat­ed in a few countries mainly in extractive and energy industries and remain relatively static compared to growth in foreign direct investment (FDI) from other major economies in spite of the huge opportunit­ies the continent offers.

ND: AU member States have signed up to the continenta­l economic trade agreement — AfCFTA. How does this framework support inter-trade considerin­g that South Africa and Nigeria are the biggest manufactur­ers while most countries depend on selling raw materials?

HSM: AfCFTA is establishi­ng an integrated market of more than 1 billion people, making Africa a powerful and vast market. The AfCFTA is both a strategic requiremen­t for the continent and a business imperative, as it will put Africa in a much better position to engage with partners globally, including the US. AfCFTA will improve the competitiv­eness of African products through harnessing the economies of scale of a large continenta­l market and increasing the depth and breadth of diversific­ation through geographic­ally-based specialisa­tion and regional value chains. It will result in more FDI inflows, transfer of knowledge and technology, increased productivi­ty as benefits of successful integratio­n.

A single continenta­l market for goods and services and investment would pave the way for accelerati­ng African economic growth and prosperity in pursuit of Agenda 2063. The Africa we want dream is achievable.

ND: After AfCFTA, what will happen to regional economic blocs like Sadc, East African Community and Ecowas?

HSM: AfCFTA is a significan­t political achievemen­t which has shown that AU is advancing multilater­alism. Regional economic communitie­s are building blocks of the integratio­n process of the continent. Their role is increasing­ly critical in the developmen­t of regional value chains and enhancemen­t of inter-African trade which represents about 17% of total African exports compared to other regions — Asia and Europe, which is around 59% and 69%.

ND: How will you improve Africa/US economic relations?

HSM: I will spare no effort to work with and mobilise key partners and stakeholde­rs on the continent and the US, including the diaspora, to increase US economic engagement with Africa across sectors and regions. I will also work with US agencies, for example the US Chambers of Commerce and African ambassador­s accredited to the US, to improve the ease of doing business in Africa, highlighti­ng investment opportunit­ies to the US business community. These efforts will be undertaken through multi-stakeholde­r initiative­s and partnershi­ps and by leveraging on our continenta­l institutio­ns and agencies such as the African Developmen­t Bank and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa in addition to the AU Department of Trade and Industry.

ND: Zimbabwe has suffered from US sanctions. How will you assist it to improve bilateral relations with the US? For instance, Zimbabwe does not benefit from the African Growth and Opportunit­y Act (AGOA) — an agreement that gives agricultur­al produce from Africa preferenti­al treatment to US markets?

HSM: Zimbabwe is well-represente­d in Washington DC at the bilateral level which has the mandate to defend and promote the interests and priorities of Zimbabwe. The AU at the level of the summit has called for an end to sanctions against Zimbabwe. The AU Mission in co-ordination with the AU Commission is mandated to engage on issues of sanctions with US officials and members of the US Congress and think tank community to advocate for the lifting sanctions.

ND: The US had elections last month in which Joe Biden, a senator for years and one of Zidera backers is now President-elect; do you see the change of guard impacting on US/Africa economic and political relations? Can Zimbabwe in particular be hopeful?

HSM: Africa has always enjoyed over the years a strong bipartisan support in both the Executive and legislativ­e branches of the US government. Each administra­tion, as you know, has its signature initiative­s.

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