NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

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IN response to MDC-T in chaos, BEKITHEMBA says: MDCT presidenti­al aspirants Elias Mudzuri, Douglas Mwonzora and Morgen Komichi are power hungry. They disturbed the already in motion movement ( MDC Alliance) and now are fighting for the seat. All of them are power hungry and greedy leaders. I don’t support MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa, but they should have sat down and found a solution together, the situation would have been different. The Zanu PF project and its agents Thokozani Khupe, Mwonzora, Komichi and Mudzuri is sinking and simply going nowhere.

MUPARURI says: With all of them (Khupe, Mwonzora, Mudzuri and Komichi) in that puppet political gathering gunning for the presidency I see another breakaway after the congress. I cannot see any one of them accepting defeat.

IN response to Trucker dies in Beitbridge queue, MANDLA ZIKHAHLO says: As long as Africans don’t value themselves Africa will always be a playground for the rest of the world. It is shocking that people are dying at the border queuing to have their passports stamped, this shouldn’t be happening at all given that the African Continenta­l Free Trade Area is commencing next month. The system at Beitbridge Border Post is pathetic to say the least.

IN response to No hard feelings for Bhamusi, CHAORA

says: It is surprising to see players in the mould of Phineas Bhamusi being axed from the 2021 African Nations Championsh­ips finals to be hosted by Cameroon in January next year. We hope the Warriors coach Zdravko Logarušić is playing his cards correctly because if there is a hidden agenda in the dropping of good players and then if the team goes on to lose it would not be a surprise, supporters demand the resignatio­n of Logarušić. If the coach is really seeing things from another angle then we give him respect. We have always known Bhamusi as one of the only few locally-based players who have been playing good football. As supporters we are watching the team selection closely.

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