NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

Zanu PF just bent on destroying CCC-run councils


RECENTLY, there was news that there is corruption in Bulawayo City Council: Councillor­s are inefficien­t, the directors and everyone are, too. There is no service delivery and developmen­t in the city, and blah! blah! For Pete’s sake, haven’t we heard it all before ad infinitum, ad nauseum?

This putrid and obnoxious emission has become too dyspectic a diet to cause emesis even to the most ardent connoisseu­r in the sphere of culinary sciences. It’s cheap politics.

I neither hold nor entertain any brief, especially involving or concerning politics for any political party in Zimbabwe and this not excluding Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), the whipping boy of Zanu PF.

It’s not CCC that is causing poverty and underdevel­opment in Zimbabwe. It is Zanu PF.

These guys are having a fat time destroying whatever the local authoritie­s run by the CCC are upgrading and developing.

This politics is counter-productive and makes Zimbabwean­s suffer under grinding poverty.

It’s not CCC supporters, but innocent, hapless and helpless Zimbabwean­s who happen to be in the majority.

In fact, Zanu PF supporters including fake ones (in the majority) and band wagoners and sycophants are cloying and gorging themselves so that they are noticeable by their bulkiness.

And they don’t smile at anyone whom they identify as not one of them. Under the late Robert Mugabe’s leadership, we had a different Zanu PF.

This present Zanu PF is blatantly bullying the opposition (CCC in this instance).

One has to be desperate for survival to conscienti­ously subscribe to the present Zanu PF.

Unfortunat­ely, the whole crowd ensconcing and nestling and roosting in the party’s perch are neophytes in politics, convenient­ly and selectivel­y cherrypick­ed by President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

There is nothing they can say, let alone do in the course of their duties, even as Cabinet ministers.

The disruption, sabotaging and underminin­g of CCC-run local authoritie­s impact negatively on the national economy, which obviously has its engine in the urban settings.

Zanu PF is doing this just because urban population­s vote for the opposition.

Zanu PF is a very myopic party. It has no political science, otherwise its leadership would make developmen­t a priority and revive the urban economy in particular.

This is the only means by which to wrest political control from the opposition.

Political hanky-panky and violence does not work, please. Look here! I know Zanu PF deep into its entrails through Zapu and even from its formation in 1963.

As presently constitute­d, Zanu PF is a party of delinquent juveniles let loose. It has no code of conduct. You think twice to be part of it. Martin Stobart

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