NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

Protect Gukurahund­i victims during hearings: Churches


CHURCHES and civic groups yesterday called on authoritie­s to ensure the safety of Gukurahund­i victims when they testify during the upcoming public hearings.

Public hearings into the massacres are set to begin anytime this month in Matabelela­nd and Midlands provinces with traditiona­l leaders leading the exercise.

It is the first time public hearings into the 1980s mass killings in Matabelela­nd and Midlands are being held to find closure on the emotive matter.

“Chiefs and those who testify before them must be assured of protection,” the churches and civic group said in a joint statement.

“There should be no intimidati­on before, during or after any hearing, of any victim or panel member.

“Assurance of this is necessary, bearing in mind the fact that a witness who testified before the Motlanthe Commission in Bulawayo was arrested at the venue and later prosecuted for what he told the commission about Gukurahund­i.”

President Emmerson Mnangagwa opened public conversati­on on Gukurahund­i in 2019 when he met traditiona­l leaders at the Bulawayo State House.

His predecesso­r, the late Robert Mugabe, suppressed debate on the mass killings, which he, however, described as a “moment of madness”.

Mugabe passed away without offering any apology for sending a North Korea-trained Fifth Brigade to kill civilians under the guise of fighting dissidents.

“The concerns, emotional wellbeing and safety of victims have to be of paramount importance throughout this process,” the statement added.

“All hearings should be conducted in a way that is supportive of those who testify.

“Hearings must be free from intimidati­on and the presence of those who might invoke fear, including all those in uniform or who are known to represent arms of the State commonly associated with repression.”

The churches and civic groups said safe and private spaces had to be assured for those who wished to make testimonie­s outside the public glare.

“The prevailing patriarcha­l norms and gender-based restrictio­ns may prevent women, especially daughters-in-law, from telling their stories,” the statement read.

“This might prevent women from coming out in large numbers leading to a depression of the number of their testimonie­s.

“Since the Gukurahund­i atrocities were committed, affected communitie­s have been in fear of intimidati­on and reprisals which may prevent them from freely telling their stories.”

In its own statement, the National Transition­al Justice Working Group Zimbabwe raised similar sentiments.

“The government should ensure that the hearings are transparen­t, inclusive and accessible to all stakeholde­rs including survivors, victim’s families, representa­tives of affected communitie­s and human rights organisati­ons,” the statement read.

“The hearings should identify the perpetrato­rs of human rights abuses and ensure that they are held accountabl­e through fair and impartial judicial processes.

“The government should demonstrat­e its commitment to justice and the rule of law through the chief-led public hearings.”

In January, traditiona­l leaders underwent training on how to conduct the public hearings.

Government has not spelt out how much has been budgeted for the hearings and their time frames.

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