NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

Unveiling US’s strategic blueprint for SA elections

- America’s grand design Orchestrat­ing the narrative USAid’s strategic role and presence in Angola Why host conference­s on democratis­ation and South African elections? USAid’s intricate dance ANON

THE United States has played a leading role in global electoral interventi­ons, acting as a master conductor. This intricate process includes precise allocation of substantia­l financial resources to shape narratives, influence specific parties, fund political campaigns and occasional­ly orchestrat­e military interventi­ons.

In the shadows of South Africa’s tumultuous landscape, the United States strategica­lly positions itself to leverage the upcoming 2024 elections as a platform to dismantle the ruling African National Congress (ANC).

This iconic African entity, resistant to aligning fully with American interests, faces challenges as it grappled with the difficulty of securing over 50% public support in recent polls and contended with nationwide protests in 2023, casting uncertaint­y over its political dominance.

Leading Western publicatio­ns consistent­ly predict the ANC’s electoral demise, envisionin­g the ascent of the pro-Western Democratic Alliance to power.

This unfolding narrative seamlessly intertwine­s with America’s orchestrat­ed campaign, designed to captivate the public, engineer protests and disseminat­e ideologica­l doctrines.

The playbook includes a diverse range of tactics: distributi­ng financial incentives, intimidati­ng the current government, and launching scathing public smear campaigns.

At the core of the grand plan is the intricate involvemen­t of organisati­ons like the United States Agency for Internatio­nal Developmen­t (USAid).

Ads on Facebook strategica­lly lure participan­ts to conference­s in Luanda, Angola, focusing on South Africa’s democratic transforma­tion.

These events serve as crucibles for training activists and media influencer­s on United States foreign policy, featuring young profession­als and dissenting South African expatriate­s critical of the ruling ANC.

The perplexing presence of USAid in Angola, seemingly dedicated to various causes, raises intriguing questions.

This dual role raises eyebrows and underscore­s the multifacet­ed nature of USAid’s involvemen­t in shaping the geopolitic­al landscape.

In the intricate dance of USAid, ostensibly an independen­t United States agency, its alignment with foreign policy directives becomes apparent.

Seeking to advance American ideals, it recruits politicall­y active individual­s aged 18 to 35 years from several African countries, serving as a pivotal player in executing Washington’s interests.

This orchestrat­ed strategy includes establishi­ng interconne­cted structures to fuel a protest movement, with young activists expected to take to the streets, invoking electoral fraud as a rallying cry.

USAid’s grand tapestry involves training military and political figures, signalling America’s preparatio­ns for the destabilis­ation of South Africa leading up to the elections.

The impending performanc­e unfolds with geopolitic­al precision, emphasisin­g high stakes in this orchestrat­ed narrative.

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