NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

Zipra ups ante on 100 seized properties


ZIPRA’S Nitram properties committee has handed over its final list of 100 properties seized by the Zanu PF government during the 1980s Gukurahund­i disturbanc­es to its patron Tshinga Dube.

Dube is expected to give the list to Vice-President Kembo Mohadi, who has been charged with dealing with the matter and is expected to hand over the list to President Emmerson Mnangagwa to map the way forward.

Zipra veterans of the country’s 1970s war for independen­ce bought several properties across the country with contributi­ons from their demobilisa­tion pay-outs.

Committee chairperso­n Volta Moyo said they were mandated to identify all Nitram properties around the country and make sure they are returned to their rightful owners.

Nitram handed over the list to Dube at its Bulawayo offices on Tuesday this week.

Dube confirmed receiving the list saying: “The committee has handed over a list of 100 properties. 78 of them have title deeds, while the other 22 have no title deeds. The properties include farms, mines, hotels and buildings such as Magnet House in Bulawayo, among others.”

He said he would hand over the list to Mohadi today.

“He (Mohadi) will then hand it over to President Mnangagwa so that he can remove the caveats before he hands them back to the rightful owners of the properties.”

Dube expressed optimism that the properties would be returned to Zipra cadres.

“I am certain that the properties will be returned, I would like to thank the committee for working hard throughout the year,” he said.

“There are now 7 000 registered cadres who are shareholde­rs of the Nitram properties. Others are still coming to register and the criteria is very thorough. Only those who contribute­d their monies will benefit.”

Zipra, whose full name is the Zimbabwe People’s Revolution­ary Army, was the military wing of Zimbabwe African People’s Union during the 1964 to 1979 armed struggle against colonial rule.

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