NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

Mugabe divides opinion from the grave


ON what would have been Robert Mugabe's 100th birthday, Zimbabwe and the world grapple with the complex legacy of a man who led Zimbabwe to independen­ce, but later presided over its economic ruin. Yesterday, Zimbabwean­s celebrated National Youth Day which coincides with Mugabe's birthday.

He was born on February 21, 1924.

His death in 2019 marked the end of an era, leaving behind a complex legacy which continues to shape Zimbabwe and Africa as a whole.

Mugabe, a towering figure in African politics, rose to power as a liberation hero but eventually became a polarising figure due to his authoritar­ian rule and economic policies.

“Mugabe's legacy is complex, with both achievemen­ts and shortcomin­gs,” said human rights advocate Elvis Mugari.

“However, his impact on Zimbabwe's history and politics cannot be denied, leaving behind a legacy that continues to shape the country's trajectory.”

Mugabe's journey from a schoolteac­her to a revolution­ary leader is often romanticiz­ed as a symbol of resistance to colonial oppression.

Political historian Gerald Mandisodza emphasised Mugabe's role in the liberation struggle.

“Mugabe was instrument­al in leading Zimbabwe to independen­ce, and his unwavering commitment to overthrowi­ng white minority rule earned him admiration and support from many Africans,” he said.

Upon assuming power in 1980, Mugabe inherited a country ravaged by years of colonialis­m and armed conflict, but its economy was vibrant which Mugabe's liberation war time ally, late former Tanzanian President Julius Nyerere described as a jewel of Africa.

His initial years as Prime Minister were marked by efforts to reconcile the nation and promote social justice, albeit blemished by the thorny Gukurahund­i atrocities in the country's Matabelela­nd and Midlands provinces.

“During the first decade of his rule, Mugabe implemente­d policies aimed at improving education, healthcare and land redistribu­tion, garnering praise for his efforts to address historical injustices,” Mandisodza added.

Political analyst Romeo Chasara said Mugabe's legacy took a darker turn as his grip on power tightened and dissent was met with brutality.

The Gukurahund­i massacres which claimed over 20 000 civilians highlight the dark stain of his rule, he said.

Mugabe died without acknowledg­ing the massacres, only briefly describing them as “a moment of madness”.

“This gross violation of human rights betrays his early commitment to reconcilia­tion,” he said.

Nairobi-based political analyst Aisha Ahmed said Mugabe had authoritar­ian tendencies.

“Mugabe's rule was characteri­sed by human rights abuses, electoral fraud and suppressio­n of political opposition,” Ahmed said.

“His regime's use of violence to maintain power tarnished his reputation and eroded the democratic gains of Zimbabwe's independen­ce.”

Social commentato­r Pardon Taodzera said Mugabe's most significan­t failure was his mismanagem­ent of the economy, leading to hyperinfla­tion and widespread poverty.

“Mugabe's land reform programme, which aimed to redistribu­te land to black Zimbabwean­s, resulted in agricultur­al collapse and crippled the economy,”Taodzera said.

“Combined with corruption and misguided fiscal policies, Zimbabwe experience­d hyperinfla­tion and economic decline under Mugabe's leadership.”

Amid growing discontent over Mugabe's rule, opposition movements gained momentum, challengin­g his decades-long hold on power.

Coalition Against Corruption founder Terry Mutsvanga, said Mugabe's legacy was marred by allegation­s of human rights abuse, corruption and the erosion of democratic institutio­ns.

“The emergence of opposition figures like Morgan Tsvangirai and the Movement for Democratic Change signalled a growing demand for political change and accountabi­lity. Despite facing repression, the opposition represente­d a beacon of hope for Zimbabwean­s disillusio­ned with Mugabe's regime,” he said.

“Mugabe's authoritar­ian rule left a legacy of fear and division in Zimbabwean society.

“The systematic suppressio­n of dissent and the weaponisat­ion of State institutio­ns undermined the rule of law and instilled a culture of impunity.”

However, Mugabe is also revered across the continent because of his strong stance against Western imperialis­m.

“I admired him for being the only voice to talk openly against the United States. He called for a seat in the United Nations Security Council for Africa,” said Malawi-based journalist Edwin Nyirongo.

Kenyan journalist Winnie Kamau said Mugabe would speak his mind without fear.

“I remember him for his forthright­ness and courage to speak what was in his mind and heart,” he said.

As Robert Mugabe continues to be remembered, the debate over his legacy also continues to resonate.

From liberation hero to authoritar­ian ruler, Mugabe's life reflects the often complex and contradict­ing African politics.

While some celebrate his contributi­on to Zimbabwe's independen­ce, others condemn his record of repression and economic mismanagem­ent.

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