NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

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IN response to Welshman tears into Chamisa, WILFRED MATEREURE says: Welshman Ncube is supposed to tell us the way forward. Why is he telling us about Nelson Chamisa who left them?

ALBERT SHAMU says: Welshman Ncube never thought that Nelson Chamisa would leave the Citizens Coalition for Change opposition party without notifying them. If he is tired with the struggle why can't he just leave it to the young ones instead of selling out? Now I know why the comrades during the liberation struggle paraded sellouts and beat them severely and on occasion burnt them alive.

FELIX MUTAKURA says: Why is Welshman Ncube attacking a fellow opposition leader instead of focusing on the main problem — Zanu PF?

NYATI NARE BUFFALO says: Why can't they talk about the citizen's future and forget about Nelson Chamisa.

IN response to Land war rages as bidwigs clash, NKULULEKO SHALA DUBE says: I knew the villagers were pawns in a political chess game.

IN response to The crisis of electoral intergrity in Zim, HENRY KUNENE says: Is evicting people from their homes and burning their homes democracy or it reminds people what happened during the Gukurahund­i era. President Emmerson Mnangagwa does not own Zimbabwe for that matter, Zanu PF does not know what democracy is.

TICHAONA GUTA says: I don't want to see anyone anymore coming to my doorstep to educate me about elections claiming to be coming from the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission because elections do not work in this country. They must stop taking us for granted.

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