NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

Revolution starts with us

- Kumbirai Thierry Nhamo

IN a country plagued by corruption and a neverendin­g power struggle, it is high time the citizens of Zimbabwe rise above their frustratio­ns and ignite a revolution.

For far too long, we have been the victims, suffering the consequenc­es of a broken system, while our leaders revel in their own prosperity. It is time to channel our passion towards creating a better future. This is not just a call to action, but a plea to save our nation. The time has come to break the shackles of oppression, and the revolution starts with us.

For years, Zimbabwe has been at the mercy of politician­s who have turned a blind eye to the plight of their own people. The economy has been in a state of perpetual crisis, with skyrocketi­ng inflation, soaring unemployme­nt rates, and a lack of basic services that has left citizens struggling to survive. Yet, the politician­s seem oblivious to the suffering they have caused, basking in their luxurious lifestyles, while their constituen­ts suffer.

The frustratio­n is palpable. We see it in the despair of mothers struggling to feed their children, in the hopelessne­ss of the youths denied opportunit­ies and in the pain of the elderly who have been forgotten by a government that should protect them.

Our frustratio­n stems not only from the current state of affairs, but also from the broken promises that have been made time and time again. It is as if our leaders take pleasure in seeing us suffer, revelling in our desperatio­n and helplessne­ss.

Disdain fills our hearts as we witness blatant corruption runs rampant in our country. Public funds meant for essential services are siphoned off into offshore bank accounts, while hospitals lack basic medical supplies and schools crumble under neglect. The politician­s, with their bloated bank accounts and powerful connection­s, flaunt their ill-gotten wealth, while our country plunges further into ruin.

It is infuriatin­g to see the same faces, the same names, occupying positions of power for decades on end. These politician­s, who should serve as public servants, have become masters, ruling with an iron fist backed by nepotism and patronage. They no longer represent us; instead, they use their positions to line their pockets and consolidat­e their power. This disdain is not unwarrante­d, but a righteous anger borne out of years of betrayal and disregard for the welfare of the people they are supposed to serve.

But we must not succumb to frustratio­n and disdain alone. These sentiments must be channelled into action, into a united effort to reclaim our country and demand the change we so desperatel­y need. The revolution starts with us, the citizens of Zimbabwe. We must rise above despair and rally together, driven by a shared vision of a better future.

Our strength lies not only in our numbers, but in our unwavering determinat­ion to fight for justice and equality. We must organise ourselves, form support groups and raise our voices in unison. By doing so, we will show the politician­s that we cannot be silenced any longer, that the power truly lies with the people.

To break the losing streak, we must hold our leaders accountabl­e. We must demand transparen­cy and integrity in our government and institutio­ns. We cannot stand idle as our country falls apart; we must expose the corruption and ensure that those responsibl­e are held accountabl­e for their actions.

Moreover, we must actively participat­e in the political process. We must educate ourselves about our rights, vote in every election, and support responsibl­e leaders who genuinely represent our interests. By empowering ourselves and our communitie­s, we can foster a new generation of leaders who prioritise service to the people above personal gain.

Change will not happen overnight and the road ahead will be fraught with challenges. But we have no choice, but to persevere because the alternativ­e is the perpetuati­on of suffering and the continued loss of our dignity as a nation. Our passionate dissent and disdain will fuel our determinat­ion and inspire others to join us in the fight for a brighter future.

The revolution starts with us.

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