NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

Mr President What independen­ce could there be to celebrate?

- Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana Cyprian Muketiwa Ndawana is a public-speaking coach, motivation­al speaker, speechwrit­er and newspaper columnist.

GOOD day, President Emmerson Mnangagwa. Your Excellency, if I may ask, what independen­ce could be there to celebrate? Methinks flags must fly at half mast tomorrow. It is my conviction that it will be a mournful and sombre day, ideal for meditation and reflection instead of celebratio­n.

Lest we forget, it was in the aftermath of April 18, 1980, when the colonial flag, the Union Jack, was lowered and the Zimbabwean one was raised, that the incoming government hit the ground running to unleash an onslaught on citizenry in the Midlands and Matabelela­nd provinces.

Thereafter, citizenry were subjected to perpetual abuse. It was with the Gukurahund­i atrocities from 1983 to 1987 that government announced its red in tooth and claw nature. Henceforth, there hardly has been restraints from State-sanctioned brutality.

Most recently, contrary to the claims of a new dispensati­on, the military was unleashed twice on the citizenry. I reckon critical thinker Sun Tzu was forthright when he said: “An evil ruler will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes.”

Zimbabwe is home to Statesanct­ioned human rights violations. There are politicall­y-motivated abductions, killings and lengthy imprisonme­nts without conviction­s.

Also, flagrant electoral chicanery and corruption abound. Verily, what independen­ce could there be to celebrate?

There is zero motivation for pomp and circumstan­ce. Given that the darkest chapter in the history of the country, the Gukurahund­i atrocities, is yet to be tabled for closure, Zimbabwe is a pseudo democracy. It is a “not-yet-uhuru” country.

Granted, the rights of citizens to freely elect a government of their choice are not guaranteed, resulting in successive harmonised elections being contestabl­e. And, the new local currency, the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG), is already exhibiting inertia.

Your Excellency, the audacity to assign chiefs the task of presiding over the Gukurahund­i hearings is dispiritin­g and scornful.

It abounds with wilfulness and stubbornne­ss. It confirms an absence of remorse and repentance that government deemed it appropriat­e to assign a matter so grave and vexatious as the massacres to tribal chiefs.

I believe that the obligation for the resolution of the massacres ought not have been relegated to chiefs. As I see it, it is a fraudulent derelictio­n of ethics and honesty for government to assign chiefs to preside over the atrocities.

Apparently, chiefs lack the constituti­onal mandate, let alone the requisite knowledge to deliberate on the Gukurahund­i atrocities. Their role is far removed from deliberati­ng on such callous onslaughts as the Gukurahund­i atrocities.

It is an irony of due diligence for government to relegate the atrocities’ evidence gatherings to chiefs.

Essentiall­y, the strategy for a bona fide and ethical resolution of the Gukurahund­i atrocities must start with the declassifi­cation of the Justice Chihambakw­e Commission of Inquiry findings.

Methinks citizenry has the right to know the contents of the report. It is imperative that it be placed in the public domain.

Actually, you have the moral obligation to avail the report in the public space. This will ultimately render credence to your claims of being a new dispensati­on.

Your Excellency, you are among the remnants still standing who have institutio­nal knowledge of the Gukurahund­i atrocities.

Yet, there is an element of duplicity in your circumvent­ing open conversati­on on the Gukurahund­i atrocities.

It is curious, if not cunning, that you are yet to open up on your participat­ion in the massacres.

Methinks you will utilise your gift of longevity beneficial­ly if you were to offer your account. From where I stand, there is eloquence in your silence.

Ironically, speaking after your June 2021 visit to the Hanging Tree in Bulawayo, on which the colonialis­ts hang some native warriors, you were upbeat.

“Lest we forget, the Hanging Tree stands as a reminder to present and future generation­s of the brutality and savagery of the white settler regime to our ancestors. This monument must inspire us and the youth in particular, to constantly defend our independen­ce, territoria­l integrity and dignity. The incarnatio­n of colonialis­m and imperialis­m must never be allowed a foothold in our country,” you declared.

Your Excellency, lest we forget, amid the execution of the massacres, you underscore­d the government resolve to brutalise its subjects.

You issued a chilling warning that the campaign against dissidents could only succeed if the infrastruc­ture which nurtured dissidents was destroyed.

Speaking at a rally in Lupane on March 4, 1983 as the then State Security minister, you declared: “Goverment has to burn down villages infested with dissidents,” you said, describing the dissidents as cockroache­s and the North Korea-trained 5 Brigade as the DDT brought to exterminat­e the cockroache­s.

It was one of the statements in which government announced its red in tooth and claw trait.

Since then, it became apparent that citizenry was destined for torment.

Throughout the 44 years of Zanu PF rule, all manner of abuse and subjugatio­n became the norm.

Henceforth, the propensity for State-sanctioned brutality became entrenched.

It is now a government strategy of choice for asserting dominance. It shows no remorse whatsoever for unleashing the military on citizenry.

Zimbabwe is essentiall­y a broken country for want of a credible political culture and functional economy.

It is damnable that the local currency, branded under several different names, was launched into circulatio­n, only to crumble as a result of inflation.

As government and the central bank mount a hard sell on citizenry for the acceptance of the ZiG, lest we forget, service delivery by basically all State institutio­ns does not inspire confidence in the country that is said to be open for business.

With citizenry in vehement disapprova­l of ZiG, on the backdrop of the exodus into the diaspora, the presage by the late founding father of the United States, President Benjamin Franklin, “How few they are who have courage enough to own their faults, or resolute enough to mend them,” is pertinent.

Your Excellency, what independen­ce could there be to celebrate?

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