NewsDay (Zimbabwe)

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IN response to Disgruntle­d cops stage uniform protests, PIKIRAYI says: The police details have been complainin­g for too long about this issue and government has done nothing to rectify the issue. The authoritie­s only run around when the situation comes to a head and spills to the public domain.

MBUDAYA says: I thought this issue was rectified when recruits failed to graduate last year as a result of the uniform crisis. How then can President Emmerson Mnangagwa go around bragging that he will leave no one and no place behind when he is failing to clothe people who should be protecting him and the country?

IN response to ‘Zanu PF to superinten­d food distributi­on’, NSWABANDA says: What food distributi­on does the Zanu PF government want to superinten­d when over the years it has failed to fill up the country’s silos and make sure there are reserves to cater for everyone? Zanu PF leaders should be ashamed of themselves. They always want to reap where they did not sow. What sorcery is this!

IN response to HCC rocked by absenteeis­m, GWIZHIKITI says: It’s sad that it has come to this, but given the situation obtaining in the country, this should be happening everywhere. Our salaries are now meaningles­s and we are finding it very difficult to put meals on the table. What more finding money to go to work.

IN response to ‘Let’s unite to address socio-political challenges’, MAZVANYA says: The funny thing is that during their time as G40 functionar­ies, Saviour Kasukuwere and his friends never wanted to listen to the late MDC founding father Morgan Tsvangirai each time he called for unity and talks so that Zimbabwe could move forward. Now he wants to position himself as a peaceful person who wants unity in Zimbabwe. Can he tell us why he is nicknamed Paraquat?

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