Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

Economic developmen­t through informal sector support

- Butler Tambo

THE ZimStat has estimated the unemployme­nt rate in Zimbabwe at 11 percent but these figures have generally been dismissed by most analysts. The ZimStat figure has been based on the inclusion of people who are into informal businesses to fend for the families.

The question is just how sustainabl­e are these informal operations and can the country pin its hopes of economic prosperity on a sector that is highly unregulate­d, difficult to tax and above all transitory in nature. These and many other issues including how to improve financial inclusion of the usually unbanked informal sector will be the subject of this week’s article.

Overall contributi­on of the informal sector to economic growth of Zimbabwe

A growing informal sector can act as an important shock absorber, especially for an economy where there is sluggish growth or a decline in formal sector jobs like the Zimbabwean one. The economic crisis (20002008) resulted in company closures and the remaining companies were operating at low capacities which did not accommodat­e the increasing labour force from the educationa­l system.

Consequent­ly, most of the graduates from the education system who were desperate for jobs found themselves being engaged in low income and insecure informal sector jobs. In Zimbabwe, the Growth and Equity through Microenter­prise Investment­s and Institutio­ns (Gemini) Study (1991-1993) showed that the role of micro and small enterprise­s increased as the economy deindustri­alised.

The Medium Term Plan (2011-2015) estimated that the micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME) sector accounted for 60 percent of the gross domestic product and 50 percent of employment.

A Finscope (MSME) Survey establishe­d that there were 3,5 million (MSMEs) with an estimated turnover of US$7,4 billion (or 63,5 percent of gross domestic product) and employed 5,7 million (owners and employees). Of the 3,4 million businesses, 71 percent were individual entreprene­urs with no employees; 24 percent had 1-5 employees (micro enterprise­s); four percent had 6-40 employees (small enterprise­s) and one percent had 30-75 employees (medium enterprise­s).

The study further found that 85 percent of all the MSMEs were not registered. Of the registered MSMEs, 71 percent were registered with local authoritie­s, 17 percent with the Registrar of Companies, six percent with the Registrar of Co-operatives and seven percent with other institutio­ns. This indicated that the level of informalit­y was high in Zimbabwe. In its economic blueprint, Zim Asset, the Government expected the informal sector to create employment and spur economic growth and developmen­t. Whether the informal sector has the capacity for such a task will be explored below. Institutio­nal Support for SMEs The Government has over time addressed the informal sector with the creation of Small Enterprise­s Developmen­t Corporatio­n (Sedco) in 1983, renamed Small and Medium Enterprise­s Developmen­t Corporatio­n on 7 February 2014. Small and Medium Enterprise­s Developmen­t Corporatio­n (Smedco) is a developmen­t finance institutio­n that promotes MSMEs. Although, Smedco has branches throughout the country, its operations were severely hampered by underfundi­ng. A fully-fledged ministry, the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprise­s and Co-operative Developmen­t was formed in order to promote SMEs in the country. The ministry has over time constructe­d basic infrastruc­ture such as vendor marts and assisted SMEs to form business clusters.

Over time a number of NGOs assisted informal sector enterprise­s with concession­al financing as well as training in business management. Unfortunat­ely the institutio­nal structure has not been effective in supporting expansion of SMES due to a number of factors.

These included limited availabili­ty of finance in microfinan­ce institutio­ns and banks; high cost of credit finance; limited access to infrastruc­ture and technology and limited access to domestic, regional and internatio­nal markets.

Meanwhile, entreprene­urial and business management skills deficienci­es hampered any growth prospects of some SMEs.

Capacity of Informal Sector to Create Sustainabl­e Employment

In a 2015 study of informal sector in Zimbabwe by Tavonga Njaya, he notes that Zim Asset identifies MSMEs and co-operatives as drivers of sustainabl­e economic empowermen­t, economic growth and employment creation.

In fact, the Government saw the informal economy as an option to formal sector business. This was based on the assumption that it was natural that people joined the informal economy in order to survive. From the aspects of poverty, social policy and the labour market, the informal sector was indeed important because it provided a considerab­le source of income and employment in a country where formal employment opportunit­ies were limited. But were workers there just merely to survive? Employees in the informal sector showed that although informal enterprise­s provided them with subsistenc­e income, they needed their basic rights, they needed protection through legislatio­n and most importantl­y they needed social security. The issue was that workers needed jobs with all the dignity and rights that went with them, something that is lacking in MSMEs. Most of the informal sector enterprise­s are independen­t and self-employed entreprene­urs with no employees (but who often use unpaid family labour) and micro enterprise­s that employ one to five unskilled and low wage workers. Again, the transitory nature of the businesses set up is another clear indication that informal sector entreprene­urs were sheer survivalis­ts. Informal sector businesses such as food outlets, hairsalons, unregister­ed taxis and clothes (both new and old) retailing were meant to sustain household livelihood­s. Such enterprise­s, in the majority of cases last for a few months and are shut down as the owner ventures into another “money spinning scheme”.

It would appear a significan­t number of informal sector entreprene­urs are wheeler-dealers as opposed to entreprene­urs who have a long-term vision of the business. The implicatio­n is that a broad approach to provide support to MSMEs only helped survivalis­t firms and it boosts the livelihood­s of the individual owners thereby reducing poverty and not actually reducing unemployme­nt in the country.

Because of low entry barriers, informal sector is a refuge occupation since it is not created by design. ZimStat found that 2,8 million small businesses created 5,7 million jobs while 800 000 medium-sized firms employed 2,9 million jobs. But how many of these jobs were long-term and could lead to further employment creation is a question begging answers. A majority of informal traders express the view that they would return to formal employment if the chance arises because incomes in the informal sector were uncertain, highly irregular and insecure. For example, less than 34,6 percent earned more than US$250 per month while more than 86,7 percent of the workers did not receive a regular and full-time wage. Major challenges in financing the informal sector Limited access to funds is one of the major challenges confrontin­g the informal sector. Facilitati­ng access to formal financing channels could be a major step in facilitati­ng growth of informal sector entreprene­urs and formalisat­ion of their businesses. The informal sector also suffers from negative perception as players in the sector are considered as high risk and some of their activities are perceived as illegal in nature.

Despite the sector’s strong interest in credit, banks’ profit orientatio­n may deter them from supplying credit to them because of the high transactio­n costs and risks involved. First, informal sector loan requiremen­ts are small, so the costs of processing the loans tend to be high relative to the loan amounts.

Second, it is difficult for financial institutio­ns to obtain informatio­n necessary to assess the risks of new, unproven ventures, especially because the success of small firms often depends heavily on the abilities of the entreprene­ur.

Third, the probabilit­y of failure for new small ventures is considered to be high. It is difficult for the informal sector to obtain credit from the formal financial sector due to the lack of collateral and they are therefore forced to resort to informal sources of credit such as loan sharks who charge them exorbitant interest rates that they cannot easily repay.

Another reason for informal businesses not getting financial support is that they are not registered and this makes it very difficult for the willing financial institutio­ns to reach out to them as they do not know where to find them. Limited finance has also made it difficult for small businesses to advance technologi­cally, hire expert labour, buy inputs in bulk to enjoy economies of scale and grow in size.

Informal businesses often do not make optimum use of their existing resources and are unlikely to do better even if they get enough loans. The argument is that they do not have strategic business plans and financial records which may guide the effective and efficient use of any available resources. It was also found that small enterprise­s fail to keep books of accounts for their business operations, or if they do, they are inadequate and therefore not enough to assist bankers in awarding them loans.

Butler Tambo is a Policy Analyst who works for the Centre for Public Engagement and can be contacted on butlertamb­ or +2637766075­24.

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