Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

Human profits of decolonial­ity at large


IT WAS about to be a planetary truism that our world has become an informatio­n and even knowledge society.

In the present age of technologi­cal magic, the century of the social media and era of the glorified selfie it is a lot of work trying to deny that the human race has become an informed and an informing species that will be able to save itself and the planet.

But the same era of technologi­cal magic and the fetish of knowing and knowledge has become the season of “fake news” and “alternativ­e facts” as the ruling ideas and philosophi­es of the world. When the Donald Trump regime, through presidenti­al advisor Kellyanne Conway, enriched world vocabulary with the term “alternativ­e facts” in sly reference to propaganda the American mandarin described a political fault of the present century.

Empire has always created an alternativ­e universe with alternativ­e history and alternativ­e truths of itself and the world. The Western civilisati­on in its historical and political totality has been a civilisati­on of the fake that has projected a modernity whose rhetoric has been that of civilisati­on, peace and developmen­t when its actual meaning and logic in the world has been war, plunder and the pillage of resources of the Global South.

The first fake news and the principal alternativ­e fact was that slavery and colonialis­m were meant for the good of the enslaved and the colonised. Stephen Bantu Biko of South Africa, as a budding medical student, spoke for the entire millennium when he forcefully opined that it is the oppressed black people of the world that will rehumanise the world that Western modernity and civilisati­on have violently emptied of all content and meaning.

In a word, it is the Global South that remains with the potential to save humanity and the planet from the self-eating fakeness and madness that is presently consuming it under the stewardshi­p of the Euro-American Empire.

The same reasoning that manufactur­ed the nuclear bomb, which conceptual­ised and enacted vampiric capitalism, theorised and profited from racism cannot be the same reason that will secure humanity and save the planet.

Something other and alternativ­e to the political and historical idea of the West has to rise. As a philosophy, decolonial­ity has risen from the ideologica­l and political struggles between the forces of colonisati­on and those of decolonisa­tion in the Global South.

As a philosophi­cal and political antithesis of colonialit­y, decolonial­ity is an insurrecti­on of thoughts and practices that seek to recover the world from war, dehumanisa­tion and oppressive decay.

Any hope that political, economic and cultural ideas that will save the planet will come from Europe and North America is hope that is based on our sad drunkennes­s with the fake history and alternativ­e political and philosophi­cal universe that Empire has built for us. A universe of sand built on a shifty and slippery foundation.

On Pseudo Wars of the end of the world human race. In a strong way, those that are engaged in terror and the war against it are increasing­ly appearing to be the same type of political and social fanatics that are driven and consumed by the idea of a war of the end of the world.

Much forgotten in world political discourse is that the origins of terrorism are in the West. In 1795, during the French Revolution arose what is now called White Terror where the Secret Army (Organisati­on de l’Armée Secrète) carried out terrorist attacks. In 1866 Ireland was enmeshed in terror and counter terrorism. As late as 1954 to 1962 in the Algerian War a French General led a terroristi­c war against guerrillas and communists in the name of the human race.

In Western political and social philosophy Linda Martin Alcoff observed and wrote of “philosophy’s civil wars” based on the high voltage exchanges and tension between the Analytical philosophe­rs and the so called Continenta­l philosophe­rs. Analytical philosophe­rs spit the hair debating the truth of objects in the world, the meaning of terms and statements while Continenta­l philosophe­rs pride themselves of seeking the meaning of life and that of the world at large in the long term and waste no time debating words and statements.

This “philosophi­cal civil war” is another pseudo war that is based on difference­s of political and philosophi­cal method and not revolution, the world and humanity. In this war are Western philosophe­rs that are still engrossed in the idea of the West and are not about to be troubled by the plight of Africans, Asians and Latin Americans.

As it happened in the two World Wars and the subsequent Cold War, westerners in politics and philosophy are busy being full of themselves and other stuff pretending that their internal wars are world wars and wars of the entire human race.

The entire western driven Aid movement, donor regimes and developmen­talist promises to end poverty and eradicate disease can be understood as fake news and alternativ­e facts that serve as the propaganda of a civilisati­on that is at war with the rest of the world.

The Political Profits of Decolonial­ity hand have shown a love of wisdom that is combined with the wisdom of love and peace. All liberation movements of the Global South that fought against western slavery and colonialis­m ended with policies of forgivenes­s and reconcilia­tion with their former oppressors.

There are critically few cases where the former colonised conceptual­ised and carried out revenge against their colonisers and enslavers, even in such settings as post-apartheid South Africa where the former colonisers did not show any remorse but flaunted arrogance and contempt.

In its political and philosophi­cal drive “against war” decolonial­ity perfects the paradigm of the “will to life” that has been advanced by thinkers and leaders of the Global South. In the political and philosophi­cal project of liberating the oppressed as well as the oppressor decolonial­ity rehumanise the world by returning both the oppressed and the oppressor to their lost dignity as common members of the human family.

Where decolonial­ity has been mobilised in an armed struggle such as that of the Zapatista movement in the Chiapas part of Mexico it has been employed in a just war of liberation and not an insurgency for conquest and the domination of others. In promising peace, civilisati­on, human rights and progress in the world the Euro-American civilisati­on promised what it was not to deliver while the decolonial­ity movement as a political and philosophi­cal movement is delivering what it did not promise.

The political promises of the West are the same fake news and alternativ­e facts that are empty of the humanism of decolonial­ity and its fidelity to human life and nature. Where black peoples in particular have fought against white domination, peacefully or violently, they have always been met with violence. In America, fired by Christian social justice Martin Luther King Junior confronted the racist Empire with “soul force,” peaceful means, claiming high moral ground.

Drinking from the radical Islamic theology, in the same setting Malcolm X demanded an eye for an eye in the struggle for black liberation. Both black leaders died of gunfire.

Black, philosophe­r or soldier, meets the same violent fate in the hands of Empire, an empire that is driven by the spirit and philosophy of war and nihilism.

If any philosophy has it, it is decolonial­ity that proposes the promise and profits of a rehumanise­d and liberated world as Western philosophy and politics remain the fake news and alternativ­e facts that they have been throughout the ages.

Cetshwayo Zindabazez­we Mabhena writes from South Africa: decolonial­

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