Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

Many are broken inside!


HARSH words do not break bones, but they break hearts! There are a number of people despite the smiles you see on their faces who are broken inside. There are certain words which leave scars and wounds in people’s hearts and haunt them for some time if not for a lifetime, taking away their happiness.

Anyone can be a victim of this and unfortunat­ely for some it impacts badly and they end up having low self esteem. It is worse if your partner is someone who does not choose the right words. It will be like they are rubbing salt to the wound as before you even recover from a certain statement, they utter something again which whenever you think about, it just tears you apart.

Of course there are men who can be affected by this, but women are the majority. Emotional pain is worse that the pain of physical abuse. It is a form of abuse which is even worse than the physical one as it breaks you apart and always finds a way of coming back to haunt you.

One would rather beat you up than throw insults and accusation­s at you. When you are broken inside you keep having that hope of forgetting the utterances, but it’s not easy. There are even teenagers who are broken inside because of certain words which were said to them.

No matter what was said to you which left you broken inside, be positive and tell yourself that there is more to life than concentrat­ing on negativity!

Bear in mind that life doesn’t go easy on anyone and there are some people who, in order to feel great, have to belittle you. Before breaking down, it is important to look at the person who abuses you verbally and check the motive behind. There are husbands who feel that they are “real” man when the wife is all down. If you have got such a partner, despite him saying this and that, stay happy. No one should detect your happiness!

Build your own happiness and stop waiting for your life to turn over without any effort. Despite what has been said to you, put on a brave face and never let another human being detect your happiness. Go out and look for the things that make you happy, focus your energies on things that do not bring bad memories.

At times one ends up getting fed up of life and drawing away from people who can help in lifting up their spirits because of fear of the unknown. This is one mistake which people who are broken inside make. Do not turn into a lone ranger, instead surround yourself with people of high spirits who are also positive with life. This helps in making you realise that your life does not revolve around one person and at the same time you get to appreciate different characters and knowing how to deal with different individual­s. Go out into the real world, gain valuable experience­s and make your life worth living.

Get to explore new things and keep bringing changes to your routine so that you start feeling a lot better about life in general. There are two ways of handling a bad situation in life — one is to start thinking of it as the end of the world and just give up; the second is to stay strong and know that this time, like all the other hard times, is only temporary. If you let negativity cloud your mind, then every fall and every minor setback will tend to pull you further down, so despite what ever has been said to you, do not read too much into it, but take it lightly and avoid negativity. Think of every difficulty as a chance to grow and a chance to become wiser!

You only get hurt by words when they have been said by someone you love so if it happens, cry a river, build a bridge and get over it.

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