Sunday News (Zimbabwe)



3 The Marx Brothers’ smart circle (5) 8 King of the rodents? (5) 10 The prison camp of a convict (5) 11 Catch breaking a ban (3) 12 Positive demonstrat­ion of strength of spirit? (5) 13 Sounded thunderous when caught out (7) 15 The poet takes a new edition! (5) 18 Plenty of cello tone (3) 19 Irving’s city? (6) 21 Systematic way to pull back in a rear (7) 22 A heavy one can be hard to take (4) 23 Armoured container? (4) 24 Figures a hero to be a great figure (7) 26 One girl, one name (6) 29 Not even eccentric? (3) 31 Played with a little limitation man? (5) 32 On the highway, the pig in the middle? (4,3) 34 Figure a chap out to stir things up (5) 35 Beat it out of El Alamein (3) 36 Accepted as army man (5) 37 Personal crowbar (5) 38 Smart like Nathaniel? (5)

1 A goddess in heaven, usually (5) 2 Like mended streets? (7) 4 Like the job the outside-right had? (4) 5 Apple with a good centre in a bad core! (6) 6 The option of a change of ref? (5) 7 Miss Caine has a trim form (5) 9 Arm broken by a beast (3) 12 A flower stirred up in tea (7) 14 Wood almost turned to gold! (3) 16 A saint almost everybody has to proscribe (5) 17 Serpentine creature (5) 19 Inflated sphere with a ring attached (7) 20 But the angler may want to see it sink! (5) 21 Angry enough to desert? (5) 23 One taking early steps (7) 24 The place to confuse “me” and “I” (6) 25 Friday’s girl (3) 27 No artist gets a letter from her (5) 28 She has some lettuce surrounded with a layer of eggs

(5) 30 Just the gun for a soldier (5) 32 Is this sort of book torn? (4) 33 One acting as a sandwichma­n? (3)

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