Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

Make the Word of God your instructio­n book


Christians’ wealth creation

Itai Chapunza

WE are people. The greatest of all of God’s creation but we have let the devil use different things to tell us we are less. For some it may have been a teacher, for others a parent, guardian or friend that told them they are dull, or not gifted. Truth is, this is a lie from the pit of hell. We are great beyond you can comprehend, if only you would make the word of God your instructio­n book.

What the word does is unveil what God has deposited deep in your spirit. This is your gifting or your calling. If the world population swelled up to a trillion people today, God will have a trillion gifts to give out. In fact, for each person born, God has a gift specifical­ly for them. He does not end there.

If you are a good steward to the first gift, He adds more gifts to you because He says if you are faithful with little, He will entrust you with more. Moreover you are free to ask for more gifting from the Lord. But in asking from God expect one of three answers. Yes, no and wait.

The first gift that you are born with is your task in the world. It is what God created you for. None of us is born just to eat, sleep and wait to die. We are born for a far greater purpose that we only come to know from God. No one’s birth is a mistake. It may have been a mistake to your parents, but with God nothing is an accident. Regardless of the circumstan­ces of your birth, it is not a mistake.

You are born at the appointed time, in the appointed place, to the appointed mother, in the appointed nation. All the details of your birth are carefully chosen by God. They are structured to best nature the purpose of your birth and existence on earth. What then makes the big difference in each individual is whether you choose to walk in God’s will for you or you believe the devil’s lie that you are good for nothing. The choice is yours. God will not violate free will.

The day Mandela came to understand that he is not just a lawyer to free a few people one at a time in courts his life changed. He began to see himself as one that could free an entire nation. He became a Moses of his generation. Take yourself more seriously, you are rare on this earth, there is no one else like you. Romans 8 verse 19 The creation waits in eager expectatio­n for the sons of God to be revealed.

The world is eager for the sons of the Most High to be reviled for two reasons. The first is for their light to shine and their salt to give the world flavour. I say this because the Bible says we are the light and salt of the world. A child of God explores his gift to the maximum. It is actually doing the world a disservice when you sit on your talents and do nothing about them. The world eagerly awaits you to realise who you are.

We fight for the gifts in us to manifest and at the time they do, the mark left on the world is great. If there is one thing we must learn very quickly it’s that no one can read the Bible on your behalf. No one can seek a relationsh­ip with God on your behalf. You have to do it yourself. Because we children of God ideally should not sit on our callings and gifts, the world waits in eager anticipati­on for the sons of God to be revealed. Nehemiah 4 verse 14 After I looked things over, I stood up and said to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people, “Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fights for your brothers, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes.”

Nehemiah is faced with a very common type of problem in this particular instance. Kingdoms surroundin­g Jerusalem are threatenin­g to attack them for building the wall. It worries them to see a nation getting back on its feet after such a great fall. In cases where negative words of failure have been drilled deep into our minds by people, we tend to be our own enemy.

Like the other nations around Nehemiah felt threatened by the manifestat­ion of God’s will in Jerusalem, we too threaten our instilled nature by being what God says you are. This fight normally starts in our minds as four simple words. Those words are “what will people say”.

Whenever you think of being yourself and showcasing your unique gift, you think of how it will reflect on what people know about you. Most of what people know about you is your instilled nature. I call it instilled nature because it is what you have allowed society to instil in you. You have become that way not because it is really what you are, but because you have set aside who you are and have become what is convenient and attractive at the time. Sometimes instilled nature is what you get from those you associate with and what you aspire to be.

It usually has nothing to do with your God-given gift. If you are known for being a big spender in a particular bar every weekend, it threatens this instilled nature when the gift in you says “sit down and write a book” on a day you are expected to be spending big bucks in a bar.

Your mind immediatel­y begins to show you reasons why you must go. It could say something like “people will think you are broke”. So what scares you most is the manifestat­ion of your gift because of what people will say. This fear of being different has killed many gifts.

For fear of being themselves, most people have then searched of someone else’s race that looks interestin­g and made it theirs. So people are busy trying to be other people. That is why everyone is trying to be Bill Gates, others are trying to be Mark Zuckerberg, a good chunk of believers are trying to be their pastor. In a bid to be these people we read motivation­al books that give us steps to being this and that and neglect the Word of God that will uncover who you truly are.

So many people are trying to reproduce another successful person’s life in their own yet they are totally different from them. Even after years of reading books of how to be a rich person in steps you still can’t pay rent on time and have no clear picture of where you must be. All this is because we have not allowed the word to teach us who we are.

We are still trying to be the successful person we see on television. In all this effort we attract more and more failure because we are busy doing what we were never created to do. That is why it all seems too hard. Run your own race, fight your own battles, you are not your friend. You are you.

If your friend married at twenty seven, it does not mean you too should do the same. You do what you are called for. Others are haunted by their school mates seemingly doing better than them in whatever thing, but they forget one thing. Sharing a class does not meaning sharing a destiny with someone. We are anointed and gifted to do different things.

If we are indeed the body of Christ, would it make sense if then the whole body was just the hand. It is a fight you will definitely lose if you try and be someone else. This I can guarantee you. If you do succeed, it is normally with extreme difficulty and there is no internal drive to keep going.

People ask me why my teachings are not like of those of other people. Most of them seek to advise me to teach like this or that particular person. I always say I’m not other people, I am me. Thus I don’t work like them. I work like me. If you ask any of the people I went to school with, they will tell you I have always had my own agenda.

I never found it fair that I had to fit into a certain expected standard of behaviour. This often caused other students to single me out. A lot of people made fun of me, but one thing I always wanted was to be myself. I never dated out of pressure from anyone. I’m not marrying out of pressure from anyone.

I do things at my pace and according to my calling and abilities. It is good to admire accomplish­ed people and read widely about them, but it is wrong to try and be them. You are not them, you are yourself. You can be a great person in your way.

Every great thing comes at a price. Try and be yourself for a while. Drop things you have been forcing yourself to do because of society expectatio­ns. Drop whatever you are truly not interested in.

Seek out what you love doing, seek out the gift of God in you. Go after that. When you do this, expect two things. The first is ridicule. People will laugh, mock, and try and advise you to come back to your senses.

What they mean by come back to your senses is, conform to society expectatio­ns and don’t dig into your spirit to exhume the gift God has given you. Secondly expect to enjoy yourself. The joy that comes with exploring your gift is unmatched by anything. It is thrilling. This is why I can work for hours with no problem because I’m doing what the Lord has ordained me to do. Be a good steward to the gift God has given you. Stay blessed.

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