Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

Love dies for broke lover


I LOVE you and will always do. ALWAYS!

This is one powerful statement and promise which many people have been told before. Whenever your partner tells you this, you are bound to start feeling like you owe him the world. You begin to sacrifice a lot just to keep him or her happy as you know that you are both prepared to spend the rest of your lives together.

Unfortunat­ely with time, this statement comes to be meaningles­s when things start not working for the other party.

I mean during those days when lady luck dumps you and good life turns against you. When poverty and brokenness become your friend and that same person who had promised to always love you, decides to dump you.

She begins to label you a useless partner because of life’s fate, you are unable to support her and take her out to have great time. It is painful and dishearten­ing to be dumped just because things are no longer working out for you.

The same person would have been with you during good times and at times what pains most is that you will have squandered your money together when everything was going well.

The boggling question is then why does love die when your partner goes broke. Can we really separate love from financial issues?

There is someone somewhere who is on the verge of losing his mind after his wife dumped him for being “useless”.

She started labelling him a useless husband after he lost his job. Though he had tried to have one or two businesses, they all collapsed in no time, leaving the woman a breadwinne­r.

For a period of a year, she was doing everything, paying children’s school fees, rentals and buying food.

Only God knows what got into her head as one evening she got home and told her husband that she was considerin­g divorce because her love for him had died.

The man tried to understand what he had done wrong so that they discuss the issue and solve the problem.

To his shock, the wife was not happy that he was broke and therefore her love for him had died a sudden death.

All his efforts to try and make her have a change of heart were fruitless. It was all because of being broke. Many couples have found themselves having the same challenge. It could either be the man or woman.

Some men also get tired of supporting their wives and decide to end the relationsh­ip.

Truth be told, love someone not because of what he has or what he can do. The day when he cannot afford to do some things, you will lose interest in him. Unfortunat­ely for the other party, his love will be genuine and not linked to any benefits.

The day you terminate the relationsh­ip, he will be heartbroke­n as on the other side will be counting on you during the hard times. It is no secret that during the dark days in one’s life, there is always that one person who becomes the reason for your smile despite what you are going through.

So when that person disappoint­s you, it really becomes terrible and painful.

It is important to keep promises in life and always remember that money is not everything and it will never buy you happiness. Leaving your partner because he is going through financial challenges can be a deadly mistake.

You can always rush to someone who is in a better position than him, but later you will realise that despite being with him you are not as happy as you used to be.

That other person can even be abusive. You will then get the life’s lesson that when it comes to love issues it’s not about money, but the bond you have and sacrifices you make for each other.

At times in life you get some tests and when you stick to honesty that is when you can survive. Love can never be bought. It is all about sacrifices and patience.

When you go through a difficult situation and support each other, it cements your love as it is one thing you will live to remember forever.

Life isn’t always sunshine and butterflie­s. Sometimes you’ve got to learn to smile through the pain!

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