Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

Conservati­ve gardening and lawn maintenanc­e


HAVING a baby is an exciting time in a woman’s life. However, finding the right fashion for the post-pregnancy body may be a challenge. Everyone knows a woman’s body goes through extensive changes during pregnancy, but a woman should also be aware of the body changes after the baby is born. From belly bulges to shoe size surprises, these changes can really hinder a new mum’s fashion sense. Be a fashionabl­e mum by spicing up your post-pregnancy wardrobe. Whether you are a mother of one or seven, this article is for you!

Prepare to go shoe shopping — A woman’s feet swell during pregnancy, but did you know that you might have permanentl­y larger feet after giving birth? When you’re preparing for your new postpregna­ncy wardrobe, do not assume that your shoe size has not changed. Measure your feet to find a cute pair of shoes that fit you perfectly.

Take care of your breasts — Your breasts are going to be swollen and sore immediatel­y after birth. They may even leak or sag during or after breastfeed­ing. Keep this in mind when shopping for tops or new bras.

Embrace your new body — Examine yourself in a mirror — your overall shape may have changed! You have just carried one (or more) human being(s) in your body for nine months and your body has gone through a number of changes. These changes may have completely altered the way your body looks. You may have gone from a pear shape to an apple. You will need to examine yourself to find out your new body shape. Then dress according to your new shape in order to flatter it. Don’t try and squeeze into clothes that don’t fit, it’s unappealin­g.

Rock some cute maternity clothes — The body goes through a number of changes after giving birth. It takes weeks for the uterus to shrink back to its normal pre-baby size. To combat the no-longer-a-baby-bulge, you can rely on some cute maternity clothes to give you a cute look. Flowy tops, especially empire waists, will accentuate your curves but do not draw attention to unflatteri­ng bulges. Wear cardigans, cardigans are a great staple in any woman’s wardrobe. Add them to your post-pregnancy closet to help hide the bulging belly. These chic sweaters may also help to hide sore and leaky breasts the first few weeks after pregnancy.

Get yourself a body shaper — Shapewear can be a great post-pregnancy wardrobe staple as it can smooth and tuck. Shapewear may be the perfect accessory to be able to fit into those prepregnan­cy jeans. The body shaper will also help in tucking the tummy in and give your body a good shape.

Look sexy in black — A little black dress, like the cardigan, is a constant in a woman’s wardrobe. For post-pregnancy formal wear, wear something that conceals and intrigues. The perfect little black dress can accentuate your post-pregnancy figure while hiding some unflatteri­ng changes.

Wear drapery, not shapeless — Be proud of your body! One way you can do this is to ditch the shapeless clothes and instead wear drapey fabrics and dresses.

Be comfortabl­e in some basics — You want to be comfortabl­e and fashionabl­e. This may be hard to do if your body is still going through some uncomforta­ble changes. Sometimes, the right answer is to be the most comfortabl­e and fashion will follow. Add some stretch to your wardrobe like some cute yoga pants. Leggings and a cardigan will do the trick.

You have to love what you see in the mirror, if you want somebody else to appreciate you too. You might have put on a few kilos, and that’s perfectly normal. Instead of fitting into old tight clothes, shop for clothes that complement your new figure.

You don’t have to become a gym member and spend hours working out. Thankfully today you can easily find quick workouts to do at home. You can exercise during the babies nap time or head out for a walk and get some fresh air.

Be confident in YOU — Listen, stop comparing yourself to other mums, stop reading articles where they are talking about celebrity mums bouncing back right after having children and looking on fleek. All mums’ bodies are NOT the same and it’s time we start recognisin­g that and start appreciati­ng what bodies we have been given. We are beautiful, we are sexy, we carried those adorable babies in our bodies and we are walking proof that we are proud to be their moms. Every scar, every imperfecti­on, is a reminder of the blessing of life. So wear them proudly because you are YOU and you are beautiful! — Additional informatio­n from online sources. GARDENING is all about optimal utilisatio­n of confined garden spaces. With the use of a few ornaments and water features it can be a great creative way to create the illusion of a large and yet manageable garden. Most people plan the decoration of their rooms around a focal point, the same focal point is just as vital in a patio, adding interest and meaning even to a small garden.

This focal point may be more than a piece of garden furniture, a plant or a tree. But for real impact a garden urn or a piece of sculptures and African ornaments and pottery give untold pleasure to the garden lover, and an amazing backdrop. Even in a confined space a pool is feasible. Two miniature ponds connected by a stream will not take up much space and is a practical propositio­n for beautifyin­g limited spaces and making them feel luxuriousl­y spacious. All too often a newly-laid lawn is allowed to degenerate. In some respects lawn is like a car — with regular service and maintenanc­e you can keep it in good condition and avoid having to take drastic and remedial action. Simply mowing a lawn is not enough. Yearly feeding, liming, watering and aerating are all necessary if you want to keep it in this gorgeous and perfectly manicured condition.

Many a plant in the botanical world has its beautiful flowers, perfume and shape, but so often the flowering period is limited. This can be an advantage since, like the seasons, one looks forward to these times. With a little care and attention, all plants can become strong, healthy-looking, bushes with attractive blooms. A hedge is merely a line of plants which respond to being clipped into a certain shape. The most commonly grown in Bulawayo is the duranta. There is no need to be too convention­al though hibiscus, cypress, pyracantha and privet have proved to be effective and meet most requiremen­ts, succeeding over a wide range of soils. To avoid a sense of overcrowdi­ng separating flowers and hedges with winding connecting narrow path ways of either grass, pavers or gardening ash and gravel make for a beautiful scenery especially for beautifyin­g outdoor garden.

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