Sunday News (Zimbabwe)

The artist in everyone


WE all have a creative ability that is innate to us from creation. As much as the word artist has been “owned” by the creatives we all have that creative side. People need to tap into that side more often.

There are many instances where we hear people talk of their past being full of creativity and how life interfered and they had to drop their creative side.

Everyone in the world is unique and most people use creativity, but some have more than most and a smaller number feel a strong desire to make their creativity central to their lives.

If artists attend to their uniqueness in an authentic and unpretenti­ous way and combine this with a slightly high level of creativity, they just might produce some genuine and unique art, but there are no guarantees that others will think so.

Everyone would of course do well to connect to their real authentic and unpretenti­ous self whether art, expression and creativity is concerned.

There is, however, a creative ability and a level of inherent talent inside everyone. The issue though is to find what that ability is. That criteria requires skill for definition, and that’s why there isn’t an artist in everyone, because some people don’t have those skills. Keep in mind, the definition of an artist is pretty specific but having a special ability or talent is not.

An artist can be loosely defined as being an exceptiona­l specialist in their field where what they do has a hint of passion mixed with a dash of genius.

There exists in every one of us an ability that may be creative, and certainly a talent for what we are capable of doing. It can be argued that we all portray different creative energy levels that are revealed through diverse methods.

Each individual has unique ways of expressing themselves in as much as the establishe­d artists have unique ways of expressing their thoughts.

Practising artists have the luxury of tapping into their most inner thoughts.

Everyone is gifted with a type of art style. Art comes in many ways, it can be in the form of paper and pencil. It can be in the form of music.

Dreaming is another form of art, building, singing, using your imaginatio­n are all examples of art. You see, art is not just defined as “drawn work.” The definition of art is, “the expression or applicatio­n of human creative skill and imaginatio­n, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciate­d primarily for their beauty or emotional power.”

No matter how young one person is, or how old. No matter if one has a disability or one who is a criminal. Everyone uses art and each person has a unique art style that they are good at that others are not.

People shun their creativity and opt for what are termed as “life sustainabl­e careers”. Consciousl­y creating something, following your dreams is usually considered risky behaviour by society.

Society needs to tap into the children’s creative side as well and nurture it and not sideline creativity for lack of academic value.

It can come with rejection, criticism, contempt and isolation. It also can be argued that “the person who follows the crowd (unconsciou­s creation) will get no farther than the crowd.”

Artists are usually characteri­sed by people who have chosen and created their own path. You can either melt into the mainstream “society”, or you can be distinct. To be distinct, you must be different.

What sparks creativity? Our creativity is often sparked by dissatisfa­ction. Dissatisfa­ction breeds creativity because it prompts you to think about changing something about your life or even the world. It may be a desire to change careers, start a business, or build a house.

It is human nature to design their surroundin­gs and improve them for their ease of life. Architectu­re, engineerin­g, aviation and surgical/ medical “artists” combine forces to constantly improve our way of life.

Most happy, successful and spirituall­y fulfilled people have created their own way. They have the drive to make life follow their rules and not just fall into the mould. That is what separates them from everybody else.

Legalise Art, promote, permit, admit, validate, legitimise, decriminal­ise, authorise, permit, make legal, make lawful.


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