The Herald (Zimbabwe)

95pc Harare boreholes contaminat­ed: Minister

• ‘55pc residents’ hands have faecal matter’ • Not all bottled water safe

- Paidamoyo Chipunza Senior Health Reporter

NINETY-FIVE percent of boreholes in low-density suburbs like Borrowdale are contaminat­ed, while 55 percent of people have their hands contaminat­ed with faecal matter, Health and Child Care Minister Dr David Parirenyat­wa has said.

Officially launching a national clean-up campaign, also known as waste management campaign at Lusaka Vegetable Market in Highfield, Harare, yesterday, Minister Parirenyat­wa said borehole water was no longer safe.

He said of the over 33 boreholes assessed in Mbare residentia­l area, over 20 of them were contaminat­ed.

“Some think that because they stay in low-density areas, they are spared from typhoid, but because of the rains, dirt is being washed into those boreholes and as we speak, there is also flooding taking place.

“Some also think they are safe because they use borehole water, but our assessment­s have shown that 95 percent of all boreholes from low-density areas such as Borrowdale are also contaminat­ed. So, if you stay in those areas just be on the watch-out,” said Dr Parirenyat­wa.

He urged all those with boreholes, regardless of their social standing, to test their water to ensure its safety or treat all water for consumptio­n at point of use.

In the same vein, Dr Parirenyat­wa said not all bottled water was safe since some companies were bottling borehole water.

“What we want to ensure is that piped water is safe so that our people are also safe. We have engaged in those talks with responsibl­e authoritie­s and we hope tap water is safe for consumptio­n,” he said.

Dr Parirenyat­wa also called on people to adhere to general hygiene practices, especially during an outbreak to curb the further spread of diseases.

He said a research carried out in Harare recently revealed that about 55 percent of people had faecal matter in their hands.

“A research was carried out swabbing people’s hands and they found out that 55 percent of those people’s hands had faecal matter, so let us wash our hands at all times,” said Dr Parirenyat­wa.

He said while cases of typhoid continue to decline, Government remains alert and committed to addressing key determinan­ts of health such as waste management, sewer reticulati­on, and general hygiene at marketplac­es and refuse collection, among others.

He challenged council to ensure that they sustain clean-up campaigns in the whole city

◆ and urged other towns to follow suit, to avoid future outbreaks.

Speaking at the same occasion, Small to Medium Enterprise­s Minister Sithembiso Nyoni applauded the combined effort to curb typhoid and other diarrhoeal diseases in a dignified manner.

She said SME owners or vendors were serious businesspe­ople who also want to operate in a clean environmen­t.

“As a Ministry, we really advocate for a decent workspace but the SMEs can’t do it on their own,” said Minister Nyoni.

She said said the Ministry of SMEs was working with different entities to ensure descent work environmen­t for vendors.

Minister Nyoni urged the national typhoid taskforce to continue with its approach to bring back sanity on a win-win basis and urged all vendors to report any misnomers to avoid casualties. World Health Organisati­on representa­tive Dr David Okello commended Zimbabwe for taking bold steps in cleaning the environmen­t.

“This is true public health. We do not fight diseases in hospitals, but we fight them in the environmen­t that we live,” said Dr Okello.

Since the beginning of the current typhoid outbreak in December, two people have died and over 200 others have been treated of suspected typhoid. As of yesterday, four people were still hospitalis­ed at Beatrice Infectious Disease Hospital.

 ??  ?? President Mugabe and First Lady Dr Grace Mugabe share a lighter moment with Vice Presidents Emmerson Mnangagwa and Phelekezel­a Mphoko on arrival at Harare Internatio­nal Airport last night. — (See story on Page 2). — (Picture by John Manzongo)
President Mugabe and First Lady Dr Grace Mugabe share a lighter moment with Vice Presidents Emmerson Mnangagwa and Phelekezel­a Mphoko on arrival at Harare Internatio­nal Airport last night. — (See story on Page 2). — (Picture by John Manzongo)

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