The Herald (Zimbabwe)

In 2017, don’t give room to the devil

- Bishop Manjoro Dunamis

IWELCOME you to the Dunamis column and believe you are being blessed by it. 2017 is a year of Restoratio­n and in past weeks we were looking at keys that will turn this year in your favour. We spoke of turning loose those that do us wrong, any wrong, and how the more the enemy seeks to harm you the more you will actually be lifted up. I will share with you today on how you disconnect yourself from any curse and how you tap into, connect and live in God’s blessings.

Restoratio­n entails to bring back all the blessings that God said are yours in His Word, good health, divine protection, fruitfulne­ss in all you do, wisdom, joy, prosperity and all God’s blessings. Child of God, the blessing is yours, the curse has no room. Don’t give room to the enemy or any right in your life!

“And when he came to him, behold, he stood by his burnt offering, and the princes of Moab with him. And Balak said unto him, What hath the Lord spoken? And he took up his parable, and said, ‘Rise up, Balak, and hear; hearken unto me, thou son of Zippor: God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

‘Behold, I have received commandmen­t to bless: and he hath blessed; and I cannot reverse it. He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither hath he seen perversene­ss in Israel: the Lord his God is with him, and the shout of a king is among them” (Numbers 23:17:21)

What we once mentioned about confession of sins is not only that we go to heaven only no, we want to give the enemy no room and no claim in our lives. Because the Word of God tells us “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” (Proverbs 28:13).

It’s like a heavy load which slows you down and retrains you from progress and the many things you are supposed to enjoy in life. We also should be encouraged by 1 John 1:9 which says “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteou­sness.” When you follow these Scriptures and strive to live right you give no room to the enemy and your restoratio­n will freely flow in your life, marriage, family and workplace.

This is a good year, a year you need to function with great expectatio­n and tenacity. However give no room to the enemy. Love your children and honor your marriage vows. You children honor your parents and do what you must do. Give no place to the enemy. How can you young man wake at 12 noon and do nothing at home and say, ‘ah there are no job’s I am a loafer!’ Ah come on, be alive don’t be dead before you are dead. Wake up till the garden, trim lawn and hedge at home, plant vegetables and tomatoes! You can’t stay glued to the TV all day and grumble when you are sent to do something.

You see when we were building this Cathedral I was not sitting home hoping all will go well no. Ask those that were there. I had my overall and would be working here with the builders, mixing mortar and pushing wheelbarro­ws and also directing builders where they didn’t know what to do!

At lunch time I would rush to town for our lunch hour service to preach. Then one day I forgot to take off my safety shoes and drove to town putting them on. My wife realised it just before I was entering the hall to preach and quickly said, “Ah no Baba you can’t preach with safety shoes!”

What an interestin­g situation. To drive back was too late, to preach with them Mai had said No! O hallelujah! Whilst was thinking she sent someone across the street to buy a pair of shoes which I quickly wore and preached the service. It was a powerful service.

Bishop what are you saying? 2017 don’t be lazy. When they tell you there are no jobs tell them yes there are no jobs for others but mine is there O hallelujah!

We also did not get this place to build the church by being at home hoping something will happen no. We were praying and driving around town with Mother General. We saw many places but nothing clicked in us until the day we were passing through the City Sports Centre. I stood out of the car and heard a voice say, “Hear you shall build.

It was very clear and I knew the Lord had given us the place. I quickly and excitedly said to my wife, “Mhayi huyai huyai (Mother come, come). She got out and we moved around picked flowers as a memorial and a sign and we prayed in that place. Today we are here, o hallelujah!

But you see we were not sitting at home just hoping something will happen no. 2017 don’t just sit and hope restoratio­n will take place, no, no go for it! What God says is yours is yours. God for the blessing, let go of the curse and the wrong mentality! Don’t give the enemy even an inch.

Eh but bishop you are telling us all these good stories yes but you don’t know; some of us have been bitten by n’angas as they were trying to remove curses and bad luck in our lives. Come on, curses are not removed with human teeth. No. Even if it’s a witchdocto­rs teeth! Curses are broken only by the blood of Jesus. Only the precious Blood of the Lamb can do it!

You need to tell yourself this year 2017 enough is enough. You

can’t continue to panic the way you do each time the phone rings when you are in the presence of your spouse. You will be afraid it could be your small house calling at the wrong time.

Come on, not 2017. How can you almost jump out of the bathroom just to pick a call before your spouse picks it? You can’t even work well the day you mistakenly forget your phone home knowing your spouse will have your phone all day. For you married people phones must not be that sacred or scary. No. Harisi gore remisikanz­wa (It’s not a year to misbehave). Why give the enemy room in your life like that?

Do the impossible: Go higher in life. Achieve your dreams and goals. Esther did it, Mary, Deborah - yes you will also do it! As I close declare I can’t be cursed and neither will I give room to the devil in any way. Restoratio­n is mine. For with God all things are possible (Mark 10:27).

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