The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Your choices determine your life

- Terence Mapuka Cool Lifestyle Correspond­ent

IS THERE room for you to choose from options that are available for you?

Making a choice is making a decision; do you have the qualities of decision making? You are young, but it is not wrong for you to say I need help making this decision or choosing when you have a number of options you face.

It is actually a sign of maturity to know those decisions or choices you cannot make on your own.

The Zimsec and Cambridge results are out and some are happy and others are sad. What becomes of you now depends on the choices you make.

Life seems not to be fair at times because it is not surprising to see the colleague who did not do so well being the one to employ you with your fancy degree. It is all about choices.

One can actually fall back into a shell and waste away because they failed, it is also a choice. As human beings we are wired to follow in the beliefs we have about ourselves, especially as teens.

One great man said, If you think you can or that you can’t, either way you are right! This statement just goes to show what power the mind has on us people.

It is good to have a mind which does not shut when you believe you cannot do something but it can open up to what you can do about it.

The great man that said the statement above is Henry Ford, who turned the car from a rich man’s possession to mass transport. I am sure so many people said you cannot do it but he kept an open mind starting with what he could do and building to what was said cannot be done until it actually happened.

There is nothing wrong with thinking that you cannot do something. It is a realisatio­n of a limitation you have currently. What choice you make from that determines if you are going to stay in that state.

Teenagers, you know so many new things are coming your way at this stage. Realising that you cannot swim is good. But what can you do about it? Get a coach to teach you how to swim until you can swim.

The problem comes when that statement by Mr Ford is used in terms of learning. If you say you cannot learn then there is no hope.

I know many teenagers have the idea that they know it all and most of the times they find out they do not the hard way. When choices or decisions seem to be more than what you can chew, reach out to others.

Reach out to parents, teachers, mentors, pastors and others who you think are qualified in the area you want to make a decision to help you.

Most of the choices you make as a teenager can be with you the rest of your life, whether good or bad. Therefore it is important for you to take heed and make sure you have dotted all the ‘i’s and crossed all the ‘t’s when it comes to making decisions.

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