The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Govt mulls power tariff increase

- Zvamaida Murwira Senior Reporter

GOVERNMENT is considerin­g hiking power tariffs, saying the decision by the Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority (Zera) to refuse an increase ought to be revisited, Parliament heard.

Energy and Power Developmen­t Minister Samuel Undenge told Senators last Thursday that while Zera shot down a proposal by the Zimbabwe Electricit­y Transmissi­on and Distributi­on Company (ZETDC) to review power tariffs, Government was of the view that the electricit­y providing firm had a genuine case for such a proposed hike.

He was responding to a question from Mashonalan­d Senator Damien Mumvuri (Zanu-PF) who sought to know if there would be constant supply of electricit­y given that Zesa Holdings had been denied the right to raise power tariffs.

“The ZETDC made an applicatio­n for tariffs to be increased. They applied to Zera. After their tariff was considered, it was denied. Indeed, they had explained that they had a challenge in terms of the revenue that they collected and wanted it increased.

“Zera denied them, citing that other measures could be adopted. When we also considered it, we realised that the tariffs were low and it would be good for them to increase but those who are responsibl­e for

◆ regulation said that when it comes to ease of doing business, it would be difficult for businesses as well as domestic consumers,” said Minister Undenge.

“Indeed, there is a point that it is better to have expensive power than not to have it at all. So, this is an issue that we are seized with and we want to balance the revenue that we get from Zesa and ensure that there is a constant supply of electricit­y because there is nothing for free. We are working on the issue with the respective parastatal­s.”

The current power tariff stands at 9.86 US cents per kilowatt hour after ZETDC had applied for a hike. ZETDC had proposed that the tariff be increased to USc 14.6 per kWh which was granted by ZERA but reduced to USc11.2 kWh mid-last year. The figure was later frozen after industry complained that the tariff was too high to sustain their operations.

The regional average is USc14 per kWh.

In a related matter, the Finance Bill which seeks to give legal effect on several fiscal measures announced by Finance and Economic Developmen­t Minister Patrick Chinamasa sailed through in the National Assembly on Thursday.

The Bill now awaits transmissi­on to Senate.

Minister Chinamasa made adjustment­s to the initial budget estimates that he presented last year by allocating money to the Parliament of Zimbabwe and state universiti­es. He said there would be a provision of $50 000 on Constituen­cy Developmen­t Fund.

Commenting on Chinese mega deals, Minister Chinamasa said they remained the best despite some conditions like the requiremen­t that most raw materials should come from Beijing.

“The requiremen­ts of Chinese financial institutio­ns are that when they lend us money, the contractor must be Chinese and the equipment must be sourced from China. We then remain with little, which we can use to source local materials. When you look at the Cost Benefit Analysis, we want power and the sooner we can start on those projects, the better and it is the only country where we can borrow from right now. So, we decided we take the loan, notwithsta­nding the restrictio­n on where to source equipment and where to source the contractor. I must say, this is also the practice of most countries. They do not give you money to pay to companies from other countries,” said Minister Chinamasa.

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