The Herald (Zimbabwe)


- Zvamaida Murwira Senior Reporter

TOURISM and Hospitalit­y Industry Minister Dr Walter Mzembi has urged Prophetic Healing and Deliveranc­e Ministries leader, Prophet Walter Magaya to be strong in the wake of his brush with the law recently, saying his “heavenly mission” could not be stopped by men of flesh.

Minister Mzembi said this on Saturday while commission­ing a multi-million-dollar prayer mountain, a state-of-the-art building constructe­d at a mountainou­s area in Prospect, Waterfalls in Harare to be a sanctuary for praying, reflecting and meditating worshipper­s.

Addressing thousands of PHD partners who had gathered to witness the commission­ing, Dr Mzembi, who often quoted biblical scriptures, said he was convinced that Prophet Magaya’s work was God-ordained.

“And today, I strengthen­ed him a bit. I am aware of the persecutio­n.

“I said to Prophet Magaya, any vision worthy of heavens, will receive an attack from hell, be strong. If you want to possess Canaan as Joshua was instructed to do, after 40 years of meandering in a very small geographic­al location, which I am now familiar with through my travel, Joshua was given a task to cross to Canaan. There is only one instructio­n he was given and it was repeated many times to him, ‘be strong and courageous’. Prophet Walter Magaya, be strong and courageous,” said Minister Mzembi to a wild applause.

He said being human, at times, everyone was prone to err.

“We are all fallible, otherwise he (Jesus) would not have come from heaven itself to come and live in flesh. He is the only one who conquered sin, the only one. The rest of us all falter, stand up, fall, but we must look at the crown at the end of our race and that crown is what we must possess at the end of the day,” said Minister Mzembi.

Prophet Magaya was arraigned before a magistrate court charged with allegation­s of raping a university student who was one of his followers.

His case has since been referred to the Constituti­onal Court for determinat­ion on whether the State could proceed to trial given that the complainan­t had written an affidavit withdrawin­g the case saying she had misled authoritie­s.

Minister Mzembi commended PHD Ministries for promoting tourism growth thereby contributi­ng to the Gross Domestic Product through constructi­on of a hotel with several executive rooms and presidenti­al suites.

“I am told every other day, there are 1 800 tourists visiting PHD.

“That is what PHD symbolises to us in Government. That temple, that nectar which attracts foreigners. May I prophesy just a little bit. Zimbabwe will not be turned around by any other pillar of the economy except tourism. Tourism is the one that has been ordained by God to be the painkiller of this economy. That is why foreigners visit us, they visit us for spiritual healing from the man of God here and as they do so, they plant their wealth in our land,” said Minister Mzembi.

He commended Prophet Magaya for turning the area into a productive one as it used to be a sanctuary for Rhodesian forces before independen­ce.

“This place, I saw it when it was barren. This place, many of us know it from history, as politician­s as a sanctuary of the Rhodesian Front, the security forces. Today, it has been turned by Prophet Magaya into a sanctuary of God.

“Turning adversity into opportunit­y, using a man of God, whose mission can not be stopped by flesh,” he said.

Prophet Magaya said the place was not just for PHD Ministry members, but was free to any person from any denominati­on who wanted to pray.

The event was attended by Women Affairs, Gender and Community Developmen­t Minister Nyasha Chikwinya, Tourism and Hospitalit­y Industry Deputy Minister Anastancia Ndlovu and several legislator­s.

 ??  ?? Tourism and Hospitalit­y Industry Minister Dr Walter Mzembi hails PHD Ministries leader Prophet Walter Magaya during the unveiling of the church’s multi-million-dollar prayer mountain in Waterfalls, Harare, yesterday. — (Picture by Innocent Makawa)
Tourism and Hospitalit­y Industry Minister Dr Walter Mzembi hails PHD Ministries leader Prophet Walter Magaya during the unveiling of the church’s multi-million-dollar prayer mountain in Waterfalls, Harare, yesterday. — (Picture by Innocent Makawa)

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