The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Mawarire: Magnified small-time clown

- Reason Wafawarova On Monday

Now I hear there are serious charges being levelled against one Evan Mawarire, who although not a mental health patient by diagnosis; does share a lot with mentally sick people, especially when it comes to attention seeking.

OUR security authoritie­s have a telling knack for pettiness it seems, especially when it comes to matters political. Back in 2002 I happened to be somehow involved in a case where very senior police officers from Law and Order played national heroes who proclaimed they had supposedly just foiled a major threat to the nation, to our State House, and to President Robert Mugabe’s rural home in Zvimba.

A medical student on attachment at a health facility near the President’s rural home apparently developed some kind of mental illness, and started to publicly make claims to staffers at the health facility that he belonged to the MDC, and that he had this whole team of people from one of the prominent Pentecosta­l churches which was developing “chemical weapons” to destroy Zimbabwe and all people at the State House; and also that he had been strategica­lly sent to particular­ly take care of destroying the President’s rural home.

The student happened to be a member of this Pentecosta­l church in question, and me too happened to be someone who grew up in the same church.

There is probably no one on this planet as harmless as one of my cousins from the mother’s side, whose name I will withhold for now. He was one of the people implicated as part of the mastermind­s of this deadly plan to destroy Zimbabwe, its State House, as well as the village home of the Head of State.

Consequent­ly, he had these massively zealous security details coming to pick him by the middle of the night, bragging confidentl­y about how much they knew about his evil intentions, and asking him to take them to the “laboratory” where “you guys are developing weapons of mass destructio­n.” What a nightmare it was for the young man.

One other very quiet gentlemen whom I must declare had a fanatical passion for the MDC was also taken in by the middle of the night, and as far as I knew him, he had no capacity to kill even a fly. His soft spot for Tsvangirai’s party did not help his case at all.

All he had done was to house the medical student at his house during one of the church’s activities, where congregant­s sometimes randomly pick visiting people to host at their houses to help them avoid paying for accommodat­ion. He hardly could even remember the name of the young man, and his struggling to figure out who was being talked about made him look like a dishonesty man hiding something.

The resultant mere admission that this lad had slept at his house for a couple of days was taken as indisputab­le evidence that this poor gentleman was an expert in chemical weapons, and was indeed running a laboratory of weapons of mass destructio­n — ready to put the whole country to massive ruin.

A dozen plus suspects ended up being rounded up and detained at Chinhoyi Police Station in this case, all of them implicated by the mentally disturbed student, and I remember meeting Tongai Matutu at the police station. I was even scared that this student could also name me as an expert in chemical warfare, but I was determined to save all those involved.

Matutu was the lawyer representi­ng some of the suspects, and I was there to convince the police that my cousin was incapable of waging a war on anyone, and that their key witness was a mental health patient who needed help instead of incarcerat­ion.

I was accused of being a wannabe psychiatri­st. I was only taken seriously after I produced evidence of where I was employed, and that went some way into changing the course of events.

The student was in there detained with all other suspects; and nailing them hard in a clearly very incoherent manner. It took us great effort to finally get my cousin and others released, and Matutu can tell us more on how he finally managed to get his own clients out on this case, especially the quiet gentleman who had hosted the key witness at his house during that fateful church conference.

Now I hear there are serious charges being levelled against one Evan Mawarire, who although not a mental health patient by diagnosis; does share a lot with mentally sick people, especially when it comes to attention seeking.

Indeed Evan Mawarire once played it big on social media and attracted a bit of attention to himself politicall­y, but not once did the man do anything that warrants concern about the future of our Government — let alone harming it in any way.

If we are going to allow paranoia, overzealou­sness and speculatio­n to guide the thinking in our security sector we risk reducing this great nation into a sorry excuse for a country.

Evan Mawarire returned from the United States on February 1 and was immediatel­y arrested and reportedly charged for subverting a constituti­onally elected Government — ostensibly by seeking attention on social media, and running away from those giving him the attention at the mere mention of the word police.

His residence status in the United States has been a matter of speculatio­n, like was his brief stay in South Africa. No one knows for a fact if any of the two countries granted Mawarire political asylum, but that position is comfortabl­y sitting as a matter of fact in the heads of the majority of our people.

Some accuse the man of abandoning his ill-defined cause after securing “green pastures”. To me this man’s cause was never anything outside public attention. He had no road map of what he said he wanted, only interested in Facebook likes and making an impression on social media — more of a magnified small time clown.

Now there is more speculatio­n on whether the man is “returning to battle” or was “deported” by Donald Trump. Both assertions are idiotic in my opinion. Mawarire has no battle to fight because he is simply too useless to wage one, and Trump has no business deporting Mawarire because he most likely has no idea who the Zimbabwean little clown is.

We know Mawarire claimed his life was in danger when he left Zimbabwe. He probably was in danger if he felt endangered, but that does not mean he was endangered. Clearly he now believes otherwise, because he wouldn’t have flown back into the country in that exceptiona­lly jovial mood if he still suspected his life was at stake.

Footage of him smiling for attention in handcuffs at the airport shows someone thoroughly enjoying his fate. Did the Zimbabwe Republic Police fall into the trap of a mere attention seeker?

Does Mawarire believe he can revitalise his waned overnight Facebook popularity by brooking trouble with our gullibilit­y-prone police? It would appear like he is.

Speculatio­n in security circles has even gone as far as linking Evan Mawarire’s coming to the visit by the UK Foreign and Commonweal­th Office (FCO) CEO to the country. Some are suspicious that this is more than just a coincidenc­e.

It is speculatio­n as decent as suggesting that the link between Mawarire’s come back and the jetting in of our President is suspicious. Why jet in when the President is doing the same? I call that lousy policing of a very decent nation by hopelessly unintellig­ent people.

Others have even suggested that Patrick Chinamasa must watch out for Mawarire — crediting the Facebook clown with powers to stifle bilateral re-engagement talks between Zimbabwe and the United Kingdom. I doubt Mawarire has any idea what the two government­s have been discussing, even from a layman’s perspectiv­e. He does not come across as brilliant enough to read newspapers.

There is just too much unnecessar­y speculatio­n on this Mawarire character. From a security point of view he is certainly a person of interest, given some of the people he has been exposed to, but the man deserves nothing more than surveillan­ce and the bugging of his lines and Internet behaviour. He is a threat no bigger than that.

Whether or not Mawarire has personal political ambitions is neither a security matter nor a matter of public interest. The right to imagine things extends to everyone, clowns included.

The fact that Mawarire gave an interview to Simon Alison implying he might want to join politics does not warrant the attention of our police officers, otherwise we would end up questionin­g all those innocent Grade One kids that keep saying they want to become presidents when they grow up.

Certainly Mawarire is not a man of political nerve, never mind the impression he might have created with his social media hash-tag campaign. ◆ Reason Wafawarova is a political writer based in SYDNEY, Australia Read the full article on

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Evan Mawarire
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