The Herald (Zimbabwe)


Chapter 3 of the ZimCode addresses the Board of Directors, and sections 104 up to 107 highlights the maximum terms that an independen­t director can sit on the board.

- ZimCode Secretaria­t For more informatio­n on the ZimCode contact: secretaria­t@ nationalco­

THE ZimCode encourages companies to prioritise board refreshmen­ts. Board refreshmen­t simply means the periodic assessment and the continuous improvemen­t of a board’s capacity to govern.

It is continuous improvemen­t of the board’s capability by focusing on compositio­n, leadership, cultural dynamics, education, succession and the board’s strategic impact.

The refreshmen­t entails director replacemen­t and it is expected to equip the boards to fulfil its fiduciary duties as well as to deliver competitiv­e advantage to the company.

The role of the board is to give strategic guidance to management and company in general, it follows that the directors have to be competent enough to be continuous­ly adding value to board deliberati­ons and actions.

Therefore there is need for board renewal from time to time so that the board remains equipped to fulfil its mandate.

It is unfortunat­e that board refreshmen­ts in many cases are often event driven rather than a continuous process that should be on the annual board calendar as a permanent task.

These ‘refreshmen­ts’ that are crisis management mechanisms often cost the company as all stakeholde­rs often query why the board was keeping such incompeten­t director(s) for such a long time. In the same manner, age and term limits are also convenient triggers of board refreshmen­t but a lot of time ticks away while waiting for the directors to retire or their term to expire.

According to section 104 of the ZimCode, “Any term exceeding nine years in aggregate for an independen­t non-executive director should be subjected to a particular­ly rigorous review by the Board with special focus on performanc­e and any factors which may impair his or her independen­ce.

The review must also take into account the need for refreshing the Board by making new appointmen­ts”.

Section 105, “An independen­t non-executive director may serve more than twelve years if, after an independen­t assessment by the Board, there are no relationsh­ips or circumstan­ces likely to affect the director’s independen­ce and decision making, such as impairment of character and judgment by long ser- vice. A statement to this effect should be included in the integrated report.

Although independen­t non-executive directors may surpass the term limits highlighte­d above, the pertinent area that the ZimCode emphasises is performanc­e.

Directors are appointed to the board to govern and if it’s completely justifiabl­e that after twelve good years they are still capable of adding value to the company as substantia­ted by independen­t reviews, then so be it.

As much as long-term directors can give substance to the board, research around the world has also shown that lengthy director tenure can diminish a director’s ability to serve as an independen­t steward.

This can be attributed to many factors such as too much collegiali­ty, enmeshed relationsh­ips that are establishe­d over time, diminishin­g returns and general fatigue and waning interest among directors.

It has been noted that long director tenure is problemati­c. It limits board’s opportunit­ies to refresh membership and board actions become perfunctor­y, with stale director judgments as insights and boldness are lost.

The above highlights that companies do not often implement their succession planning as advised by the ZimCode in sections 120 (l) and 131 (b). Succession is often discussed but is rarely practiced formally.

It then leaves room for directors to negotiate for service extension which is not necessitat­ed by the need for their exceptiona­l qualities on the board but by their sense of entitlemen­t.

If the succession planning is followed through, the board through its nomination committee should advise on getting weak contributo­rs off the board and adding more competent ones and create room for younger, female and more global candidates with more strategic agility.

The board chair should be the catalyst for board refreshmen­t. He/she does not have to play ‘nice’ governance whereby the chair avoids talking about refreshmen­t so as not to ruffle furthers.

The board chair doesn’t have to wait for retirement­s and expiry of terms, but should facilitate board refreshmen­t as often as the needs demand, with the hindsight to give the board room to settle.

Change is always hard and conflicts may erupt during such phases but it has to be well managed for good governance to occur.

Board refreshmen­t has to be guided by the need to inject fresh thinking and diverse perspectiv­es and reinvigora­ting board dynamics. Well-orchestrat­ed director transition­s often overcome entrenchme­nt.

 ??  ?? The role of the board is to give strategic guidance to management and the company in general
The role of the board is to give strategic guidance to management and the company in general

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