The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Do you know who you are?

The whole discussion of teenagers and your parents has led to another viewpoint on this matter. It is true that as teenagers, you are on this drive to try and make everyone around you understand you. It is because of this that you always feel that people

- Terence Mapuka Cool Lifestyle Correspond­ent Terence is with zwTEENS an organisati­on which deals with teens and issues affecting them. You can reach zwTEENS on 0774599446, WhatsApp 0772128170, ter or visit their website www.zwteens. com

THIS can get you mad when such simple issues are not easily common knowledge to parents, teachers and that lady on the kombi with you as she looks at your dropped jeans or your alleged short skirt.

Those trends, they cannot understand them.

You know people can argue on the colour of a chameleon. Because it can change colours so much, one could have seen it green yet the other saw it yellow and yet another saw it brown.

My point is not that teenagers change colours that much but I think if only the chameleon could speak we would have to ask it: what colour are you?

As much as teenagers need to be understood, the question then comes, do you understand yourself?

You see, for all other people to understand who you are, you also need to understand your own self.

They call it self-assessment. How often do you ask yourself the question, Who am I? It is of such great importance to understand yourself; you make it easier as well for others to figure you out.

It can be known better if you know yourself that well. Why do you do the things you do? Why do say the things you say? Why do you eat, wear, talk, dance or read that way?

It does not have to be all about trends because as that trend fades so will you.

Let there be something that keeps you going long after certain trends have gone.

Keep going long after certain people, music and other aspects have gone.

What defines you as a person? I like to challenge the status quo. That means the way things have always been, I like thinking about other ways of doing it.

It might be because the university I attended has a motto which says, Think in Other Terms. Most of the things I do are not the usual.

That is just me, what about you? Do not think of yourself that way because I have mentioned it.

This can be trendy and you take it up because of that.

When that trend fades, I tell you I was there before it was trendy and I will be there long after the trend is gone.

What about you? I ask again, what defines you as a person?

We can only handle with care if only the package itself tells us to handle with care. Now I understand that because of the changes you face, you might not even be sure of whom you really are.

Well the good news is that this is the perfect time to get to know yourself better.

When you do self-assessment, you should be aware of your interests, abilities, beliefs, values, skills, passion and habits all this contributi­ng to your character and behaviour that others then use to understand you.

At times as you assess yourself you cross examine what you think about yourself and hear what those dear and near to you say about you.

This helps you to get deeper revelation­s of yourself.

When you do, you will not have many people misreading you or your intentions.

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