The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Restoratio­n of your business life

- Bishop B. Manjoro Dunamis

TODAY I will talk about how you can be restored in your business life or in the works of your hands from the Word of God. This is a wonderful year of restoratio­n and every area must be touched by the power of restoratio­n, hallelujah! Everything in life, including your business life is found in His Word. All you need to do is not to limit God to the things you know only, No – God can do exceedingl­y abundantly, above what you think or imagine.

Have you been trying to find a footing in the work of your hands but kept falling and you were about to give up? I have written this article with you in mind. Restoratio­n is coming your way. God cares about your productivi­ty, business and your toil of labour.

Even if you have been struggling — God cares about it.

In as much as he cares about your health, family, spiritual life, He also cares about your business and work life. God’s Word is a sure foundation to build on. Its statutes are resolute, firm and have proven steadfast over the years. Read on and discover what God’s Word says about it.

“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: and then though shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success,” Joshua 1:8. Meditating on God’s Word and principles will ascertain your success in life. Declaring it will activate the power locked in it to work for you. Friend, God’s Word works. To succeed in the works of your hands you need to be a person of action. Do not keep delaying and procrastin­ating the things you know you need to do.

It’s now February and you could still be delaying to act the resolution­s you wrote for yourself. In order to act you need to manage your time well. Actually do you know that if you were to live up to 75 years and you slept eight hours daily, by the end of your-lifetime you would have slept 25 good years? Not to mention the time you spend doing other things, eating, travelling to work. You will discover by the end of the day that you need to maximise on time and make the most of it. When you know you must be working, planning or doing what you have to do — do it! Time is God’s gift to all humanity. Use it well. Friend, do not spend your whole life wishing and hoping. No wonder one writer rightly said, ‘If wishes were horses surely beggars would ride.’ If you are wishing and hoping; you must act. Act on your hope. Act on your wishes. When I sensed the call of God on my life, I didn’t keep hoping, No. I responded and acted. I left my job and got committed to preaching which I still do today. Commit yourself to the things you want to see happen in your life. Without commitment and proper time management you will hardly go far or be successful in whatever you do.Also you need to have eyes that see; eyes that can spot a problem and be able to solve it. Most people who are successful are people who have discovered one problem or the other in human life and committed themselves to solving those problems. Car manufactur­es solve the transporta­tion problem; bakeries and food companies solve the food problem. You must identify a problem and solve a problem in order to be successful. Do you know that is how Jesus functioned in his life and ministry? His minis- try actually started when there was a big problem and he solved it! It was at Cana at a wedding he was invited and wine ran out John 2:13. It was a problem. Jesus worked a miracle of turning water into wine. From then on His work grew.

Yes, it was a problem that wine ran out, yet it was an opportunit­y! Look around you and see opportunit­ies. However in your looking for opportunit­ies, be observant. Don’t just order guavas when there is no opportunit­y to sell the guavas! They will rot in your house or shop. Even if someone is doing it don’t copy that someone or just do something because someone else is doing it, No! Destiny must be calling you. You must be seeing in you where you want to go.

Realise also that business or the works of your hands does not merely entail from hand to mouth, No. It’s more than that. It’s not also buying suits, outfits and just put-

ting bread on your table. Business should be able to provide for yourself and others! It should change lives and touch the community in one way or the other.

Have you noticed how many businesses, projects and works die when their owners die? When it closes it closes for good. It shouldn’t be like that. What you work for today should be generation­al. A good man leaves an inheritanc­e for his children’s children. You could be asking but Pastor how is all that possible? Purpose or destiny will unlock the unique success in you. Each one of us has the seed of success in us. Purpose is not just seeing what someone is doing and wanting to do it. It is pursuing your God-given ability, potential and gifts. I say to you today, go for your destiny — pursue your destiny. Don’t be a photocopy but an original.

You also need to guard against destructiv­e habits if you are to succeed in business, projects and work you do. Remember when you want to start a business there are things that will want to resist you and

deny you doors. Some are natural hindrances yet some of them follow the bloodline! It brings me to the point of being prayerful concerning your works.

You may plan and do all well yet the enemy may throw a hindrance along your path.You always wonder where do I go wrong? Friend some of the things in life are spiritual and need to be dealt with in prayer.

It needs you to stand and fight! Fight flaws and things that hinder and pull you back. Years ago I had a friend who was given things to sell by a particular company. When he sold he would act as if all the money is his and give out clothes to his relatives appearing to be rich and owner of it all. It was a destructiv­e thing. The things were not his. It got him in serious trouble. Be wise in all you do and depend on the Word of God. Finally have time to check whether you are growing or not in the work or business you do. Don’t just go on doing the same things you were doing yesterday, no. Take time to stop and review progress, accomplish­ments and performanc­e.

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