The Herald (Zimbabwe)

War veterans are respected individual­s


EDITOR — The war veterans’ actions need to be applauded as they rally behind President Mugabe who himself is a war veteran. They have great respect for the President especially when it comes to the values of education and empowermen­t.

President Mugabe has done a lot for this country and continues to do so and I am proud to have had such a leader in my life. I have not missed an opportunit­y to listen to him speak.

War veterans are regarded in other countries in the world as national fathers and mothers. In my own words they are preservers of our national heritage, pride and interests.

They should die with that accord and history should not be distorted. War veterans do live forever and their position in Zimbabwe is one for they took on a mighty task to free this country from colonial rule.

In short, war veterans rightly have decided to take their position not to be eroded. Their contributi­on to this country is well known and should be respected by all Zimbabwean­s. A country that takes care of their own and their revered will certainly prosper. Varaidzo Mudzingwa, Harare.

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