The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Seeking clarity from above


Ephesians 1 vs 17-18; “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understand­ing being enlightene­d; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritanc­e in the saints” NOTHING is more troubling than to have doubt and to not know what to do. Finding yourself in a situation where you have many thoughts, but you are not sure which direction to take, can be very confusing.

All of us can attest to being confronted with situations and circumstan­ces that leave us dumbfounde­d or somewhat confused, at some point.

What do we do in those moments where we cannot make decisions? We should seek to hear the voice of the Lord so that He can clarify the things we need direction on.

Sometimes the methods that God uses to communicat­e with us can be abstract and hardly clear. The reality though, is that our inner voice does speak to us, though it may speak softly, we are all guided by a sense of what is right and wrong.

Certainty is what we all desire, we want to be sure about all the steps that we take. Do you find yourself in that situation today, where you are confused and heavy laden? Do you need the Lord to speak clearly, in a language that you understand?

Pray to the Lord and ask Him to make the things that are hidden come to the fore. Pray for wisdom and clarity. The word of God says “Ask and it shall be given to you”. Surely your prayer will be answered.

Be blessed.

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