The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Big data, ethics and children

- Gabrielle Berman Our Children, Our Future

IN a matter of years, the recording of a child or young person’s activities within the public sphere has gone from being consequent to an act of God (or heroics) to relatively ubiquitous phenomena, slowly conquering continents, and reflected in the statistica­l estimate that one in three internet users are children (over 2 billion children).

In this context, how can we fathom day to day lived reality of those one in three any more than they could conceive of my own childhood where data and informatio­n was found via little multi-coloured cards in wooden library catalogues? Further, and more importantl­y, what is the future of those populating and being shaped by this statistic?

The answer to these questions are complex, and the solutions largely unknown. Like all ethical and philosophi­cal conundrums there are frameworks that provide some guidance, but rarely specifics. The devil is in the details and the details need to be understood before we even begin to move forward.

The facts are as follows: (1) This generation of children have had their lives “datafied” - their digital footprints have been captured over their entire lifespans, and will continue to be;

(2) The informatio­n contained on the internet and held within big data sets is pervasive and has the potential to substantia­lly influence their opportunit­ies as well as their “digital” and “offline” identities, with significan­t implicatio­ns for their life course;

(3) Provision, creation, ownership and utilisatio­n of this data involves a complex chain of actors, with varying degrees of understand­ing of the implicatio­ns, risks and potential mitigation strategies;

(4) We have not yet imagined future data applicatio­ns, finally, (5) Children’s rights are enshrined in internatio­nal and national legislatio­n, and we have a duty of care to protect them and to respect and uphold their rights as their capacities evolve.

So what does this all mean? First and critically: conversati­ons about children and big data need to be had. A recent working paper from UNICEF Innocenti adds its voice to the movement to get these issues on the table and to push this discussion further.

Beyond the written word we need knowledge exchange between all the stakeholde­rs in the data chain. We need metaphoric­al group study rooms where communitie­s, data analysts, child advocates and tech giants can share knowledge and reflect on data impacts, legacies and children’s futures.

We also require technologi­cal solutions as well as systematic efforts to embed critical thinking on big data and children into both generic educationa­l programmes as well as within programmes specifical­ly targeted at data analysts.

Most importantl­y, but frequently omitted, is that we need to listen. We need to understand children’s understand­ing of privacy, their perspectiv­es on how their data should be treated, who should have access, and what controls they would like.

It would be as absurd to ask a contempora­ry pre-teen’s perspectiv­es on the Dewey system as it is for institutio­ns and government­s to omit children’s voices in a context where, frequently, our perspectiv­es are the anachronis­ms.

In saying this, there are likely to be more solutions to protecting the security, well-being and data of children than those mentioned, and there will certainly be more in the future. However, it is not yet tomorrow.

Today we should be laying the foundation­s and undertakin­g the preparatio­ns for a future where the rights of children and the generation­s that follow them are respected, recognisin­g no one knows yet what the future will look like . . . but we all need to start learning and teaching now.

◆ Gabrielle Berman is responsibl­e for providing advisory and technical support to ensure the highest ethical standards within UNICEF’s research, evaluation and data collection and analysis programmes globally.

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