The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Keep an extra eye out for children

Plastics must not be left everywhere, they must be placed in dustbins because they can be a danger to young children.

- Indiana Chirara Correspond­ent

DEATH is a reality which no one loves. It is something that is scary, something that really hurts. It really hurts the most when it snatches young children. Although death is inevitable to everyone, there are instances where it can be avoided.

Regina Mutandi’s 4-year-old son nearly died due to negligence.

With young children, you can never be careful enough, for in most cases they injure themselves while playing, that’s their nature.

However, despite that, mothers or guardians need to keep an extra eye on them.

Regina (not her real name) from Warren Park D regrets a few minutes she left her child unattended while she was attending a funeral in her neighbourh­ood.

“My aunt had passed on, so I was attending her funeral in the early hours of April 21, 2017. We were sleeping in the dining room where most female mourners were also sleeping. My son (Pardon) woke up and went outside and l assumed that he was going to relieve himself,” she said.

“Little did l know what shock awaited me. In less than a minute, we heard a scaring, loud and painful cry coming from outside, the same direction where my son had gone. It awoke everyone.” She dashed out outside to check. “When I rushed outside, l could not believe what I saw. My son was lying on the ground writhing in agony after being burnt by hot water from the waist down,” Regina said.

“Pardon was rushed to the local clinic, where they transferre­d him to Harare Central Hospital.”

Doctors who examined him said he had sustained third degree burns, which they said would take a long time to heal.

“Due to the seriousnes­s of the burns, my son was admitted for five months,” she said.

“I went through a lot, therefore l urge my fellow mothers to be cautious with children.”

Many families have lost their young children due to negligence.

It is important to keep an eye on kids, especially at gatherings, to see where they are or who they are playing with.

Another mother, Tecla Machingaut­a, lost her one-year-old daughter five years ago after she drowned in a bucket full of water.

“It’s five years now, but l still vividly remember what happened on that day,” she said sobbing.

“Whenever l think of it, my heart bleeds. On the previous day I filled most of my buckets with water as l knew that the following day we would not have water due to rationing.

“Early that morning, I placed my buckets under our mango tree as l prepared to clean my house.

“My daughter was busy splashing water in one of the buckets, instead of finding another place for the buckets, l only warned her against playing by the buckets. That was my costly mistake. I continued with my chores and totally lost attention of what my child was doing outside.”

Tecla got the shock of her life when she checked for her daughter.

“When I rushed outside to check on her, I saw my daughter floating in one of the buckets,” she said.

“I screamed for help and tried everything to resuscitat­e her up, but it was all in vain.”

She was not able to finish her narration as she was now weeping uncontroll­ably.

It’s so sad that some of the things which take away our little precious beings can be avoided.

Most plastic toys and packages are written; ”Plastics bags are a suffocatio­n hazard, keep away from children.”

We may take it lightly as we are used to seeing it every day, but it is of great importance.

Plastics must not be left every where, they must be placed in dust bins because they can be a danger to young children.

In high density suburbs, motorists must exercise caution and drive at a very low speed to avoid accidents.

Young children have a tendency of playing in the roads, therefore motorists must be extra careful when using such roads.

It is also advisable to always check where the children will be playing.

Flowers are meant to beautify our homes, but at the same time they can be deadly. There are a number of flowers which surround us which can be harmful if swallowed.

With children, one can never be too careful; so it’s better to do away with such plants.

Teachers also play a pivotal role in child protection. They must ensure that children are using swings correctly. Climbing trees must be avoided at all cost. Most young children especially enjoy climbing and swinging in trees, which is extremely dangerous.

Lower branches must be trimmed, so that children do not find a way of climbing.

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