The Herald (Zimbabwe)

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RESPONSES to “MDC-T leader

Morgan Tsvangirai dies” Condolence­s to all Zimbabwean­s, we feel your loss. He was from the opposition side, but he played well the role of the opposition. Please celebrate his passing and bury him with the African dignity that we all know. — @LGeskisa.

*** May his soul rest in peace. It is always sad when a fellow countryman dies. We pray for peace in the MDC-T, including calmness among his supporters. To his family may the Lord grant them solace. — @KZinyohwer­a.

*** Response to “ZIMSEC loses English Paper 2 case”

The only key question now to ZIMSEC is how they are going to deal with such issues in the future. We cannot rely on resetting of exams when they can be measures put in place for security and credibilit­y of our exams. — @Lazoros Dube.

The Herald — Zimbabwe

Response to “ZIMSEC loses English Paper 2 case.”

What a waste of public money. It means resources had been mobilised, exam papers printed and distribute­d, invigilato­rs ready and exam centres. Do we have to start doubting the new minister this early? — Edson Hunda.

*** Responses to “MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai dies.”

How can he have survived with the way his relatives and Mudzuri crew behaved during his illness? Shame on Mudzuri and the family. — Simon Barley.

*** Cancer, a dangerous disease that has claimed many lives and it’s continuing. May the doctors please find a solution to this pandemic we cannot go on like this? Great loss for Zimbabwe. — Ralph Chineunye.

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Now that Morgan has left, Mudzuri Chamisa and Khupe are going to soon discover that they are vulnerable and fast losing all relevance.

They should not get carried away by a couple of people wearing red T-shirts or raising red cards at a rally. If they had been around long enough they should be aware that the same crowd is as fickle as they come!

Their infighting and petty conflicts are bad for the organisati­on and their future career as politician­s. — Tambai Chinemaven­de.

Responses to “Tsvangirai dies” May his soul rest in peace. Though, I am not so sure whether Morgan still had more to offer the masses of Zimbabwe, the already fragmented opposition has certainly lost its strongest rallying point.

Elias Mudzuri, Nelson Chamisa and Thokozani Khupe in the true scheme of Zimbabwean politics, you are still neophytes so please focus on the bigger picture. To be and remain relevant, stop behaving like a pack of hungry wild dogs. — Tambai Chinemaven­de.

*** While the opposition politics in Zimbabwe has been dealt a hard blow by the death of Tsvangirai, let us not forget that he called for sanctions. — Firepower.

*** The National Heroes Acre encapsulat­es the nation’s founding values. It is not a place for everyone especially those whose pursuits were inimical to the gains of the liberation struggle. Morgan Tsvangirai fell into that category that sought to reverse the gains of independen­ce. His supporters must not be blinded by grief to think that we are all myopic. We emphathise with them as human beings period but would never defile the sacred acre for political expediency. MT was no hero. — Prof Jepuson Readers are invited to send comments and feedback through any of the above platforms. Since The Herald is published in English, we would prefer our readers to write in English — Editor.

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