The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Benefits of informatio­n disclosure


WITH globalisat­ion, informatio­n is flowing across capital markets such that its relevance can never be underrated. However, investors should note that obtaining comprehens­ive, accurate and timely material company informatio­n can be extremely difficult unless there is full disclosure. As a result, it is a requiremen­t that all listed companies disclose all material informatio­n to enable the investing public to make informed investment decisions. Armed with adequate informatio­n, an investor has better control over his/her investment decisions. Some of the benefits of informatio­n disclosure to investors include:

◆ Determinin­g company performanc­e - Investor informatio­n is important in determinin­g the financial health of a company. The role of informatio­n disclosure is to make investors aware of all relevant details that may have an impact on the value of the business they are invested in.

◆ Promoting transparen­cy - Investor informatio­n also promotes transparen­cy in the underlying business operations. The spread of inaccurate and manipulati­ve informatio­n by unscrupulo­us people becomes scarce when there is transparen­cy.

◆ Possibilit­y of high returns at calculated risk - Potential optimum returns can only be ascertaine­d when comprehens­ive informatio­n is availed to the investing public on time. Informed decision making can also afford investors an opportunit­y to minimise potential risks through making investment­s without full knowledge of the associated risks.

◆ Reducing informatio­n asymmetry - This occurs when one party to a transactio­n possesses more material informatio­n than the other party. Informatio­n disseminat­ion ensures balanced informatio­n availabili­ty to all market participan­ts.

◆ Secure new investors - When companies provide full informatio­n regarding their business operations, there is high probabilit­y of securing new investors. A record of strong investor relations coupled with a documented history of the company’s performanc­e often tend to attract more investors.

◆ Encourage evaluation- Full informatio­n disclosure ensures that executives are consistent­ly evaluating themselves and the company on an ongoing basis. Company executives are kept accountabl­e to themselves and the investors

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