The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Chiwenga mourns Winnie Mandela

- Herald Reporter

ACTING President Dr Constantin­o Chiwenga has sent a condolence message to South African President Cyril Ramaphosa and the people of South Africa following the death of liberation struggle icon and veteran Cde Nomzamo Winifred Madikizela-Mandela.

Cde Madikizela-Mandela died on Monday.

In a statement yesterday, Acting President Dr Chiwenga said he learnt of the death of the icon and stalwart of the African National Congress with deep shock and profound sorrow.

“On behalf of the Government and people of Zimbabwe, Zanu-PF party and on my own behalf, I wish to express our deepest condolence­s to Your Excellency and through you, to the Government and People of the Republic of South Africa, the ANC, as well as the Madikizela and Mandela families on the loss of this legendary heroine,” said Acting President Chiwenga.

“The late Cde Madikizela-Mandela will forever be remembered for her bravery and the numerous sacrifices she made in the epic struggle against the inhuman apartheid system, a struggle for which she suffered personal humiliatio­n, house arrests, banishment, solitary confinemen­t and prolonged disruption of family life.”

VP Chiwenga said in spite of all the brutal attempts by the apart- heid regime to break her resistance, Cde Madikizela-Mandela remained strong and resolute. She became the leader and personific­ation of the internal opposition to apartheid.

In Cde Madikizela-Mandela, Acting President Chiwenga said, Zimbabwe had a friend and comrade-in-arms to rely upon and he was consoled by the fact that she lived to witness the realisatio­n of her dream of a free democratic and non-racial South Africa.

“We are confident that South Africans, the ANC and her family find solace in the rich legacy that she has generously bequeathed to all of them as well as to those still fighting for liberation against the forces of oppression,” he said.

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