The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Appreciati­on for the help


We usually take for granted all the people who do the jobs we don’t quite like but that make a significan­t difference to how we live. The Bible speaks about maidservan­ts and manservant­s, people who have invariably played roles in the developmen­t of humanity and have not always been given the praise and recognitio­n that they deserve.

For the record, would you by any chance remember the person who helped your mother bring you up, who would sometimes babysit you? Or the gardener who would walk you to school, whose input and humble contributi­on helped to make you the person you are today? We have so many unsung heroes and heroines in our lives that have been forgotten over time, mostly because of how society views these people and takes their jobs for granted. Have you ever imagined going to the petrol station and not finding your usual petrol attendant or someone to serve you? Whereas in most countries people have learnt to do many things for themselves, in this country we still have the privilege of help.

We often neglect to show the hand of GOD to the people who do the little things that are not often glorified but are of such importance, yet GOD has a place for each one of us. May those that help us see the hand of GOD in our words and deeds and may we show them that we value and appreciate them. Be blessed.

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 ??  ?? 1 Thessaloni­ans 5 vs 12; “And we urge you, brethren, to recognise those who labour among you . . .”
1 Thessaloni­ans 5 vs 12; “And we urge you, brethren, to recognise those who labour among you . . .”

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