The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Physical, character assassinat­ions inseparabl­e

- Obi Egbuna Jnr Simunye The Herald Read the full article on

This devious plot was engineered very smoothly by imperialis­ts, who approached commemorat­ing Dr King’s tragic physical exit from this planet in the same manner they approach his birthday celebratio­ns every January 15.

EARLIER this week Africans and freedom-loving people in every corner of the world were denied the opportunit­y of properly paying homage to Dr Martin Luther King Jnr on the 50th anniversar­y of his assassinat­ion by the FBI and CIA.

This devious plot was engineered very smoothly by US-EU imperialis­ts, who approached commemorat­ing Dr King’s tragic physical exit from this planet in the same manner they approach his birthday celebratio­ns every January 15.

Usually the Democratic Party, the so-called African American Church, Hollywood and Corporate USA, who have worked in coalition to create a commercial­ised and watered down Dr Martin Luther King Jnr admiration society, have traditiona­lly avoided his assassinat­ion like the plague. It did not take rocket science to know that the 50th anniversar­y would be an entirely different story.

Arguably the most bogus and opportunis­tic reflection came from Kerry Kennedy, the daughter of former US Attorney-General and 1968 US presidenti­al hopeful Robert F. Kennedy, who used a platform set up in Indianapol­is by the former national chairman of SNCC and current US Congressma­n John Lewis to share the news of Dr King’s assassinat­ion with the crowd, that gathered to hear his (Kennedy’s) vision if he successful­ly ascended to the White House.

What Mrs Kennedy convenient­ly overlooked was two months after the March of Washington for jobs, justice and peace, her loving father gave FBI bureau chief J. Edgar Hoover the green light to tap Dr King’s phones. Prior to this RFK and his brother former US president John F. Kennedy pressured Dr King to distance himself from the civil and human rights icon Jack O’Dell due to his involvemen­t with the Communist Party USA in the 1950s, at the time Brother O’Dell was on SCLC’s national staff.

Because the white supremacis­ts in the southern part of the US and the colonial forces in Southern Africa were hellbent on maintainin­g segregatio­n and colonialis­m at all costs, Africans born in these locations share a very special and unbreakabl­e bond.

Like Dr King many illustriou­s fighters in Southern Africa were cowardly and brutally assassinat­ed by US-EU imperialis­m in South Africa — Henry Nxumalo, Steve Biko, David Sibeko, Dulcie September and Chris Hani. On the other side of the Limpopo River in Zimbabwe national heroes and revolution­ary icons Samuel Parirenyat­wa and Herbert Chitepo top the list.

The African world strongly believes the plane crash that claimed the life of Mozambique’s first president and revolution­ary giant Samora Machel was an assassinat­ion.

Many years of frontline struggle have taught Mother Africa’s most dedicated servants on the battlefiel­d that long before US-EU imperialis­m targets us with their bullets, letter bombs, explosives or any other concoction, the malicious attacks on our reputation­s are their most invaluable weapon.

It is now public knowledge that in November of 1964 Dr King’s widow, the late Coretta Scott King, received what was then an anonymous package, which included a tape of Dr King’s alleged sexual indiscreti­ons.

At the same time Dr King also received an anonymous letter suggesting that he decline the Nobel Peace Prize and commit suicide and step way from the Civil Rights Movement. Since then that letter has been linked to J. Edgar Hoover and his deputy director William C. Sullivan.

Our former colonisers and enslavers target those who represent genuine African resistance regardless of where we fall on the ideologica­l spectrum, let us remember that even Mr Hoover had many sleepless nights concerning the rise of African nationalis­m inside US borders.

This automatica­lly made Malcolm X and later Kwame Ture, then known as Stokely Carmichael, key FBI targets. However, it was Dr King because the church pulpit was his main platform that made Hoover’s blood pressure like steam from a pot full of crabs.

When we think of assassinat­ions, the word target has a rather gruesome connotatio­n because we think of Dr King standing on the balcony at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee, Brother Malcolm at the podium at the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem, or Medgar Evers about to walk through his front door in what the great African songstress Nina Simone called “Goddamn Mississipp­i”.

The government and people of Zimbabwe have put the world on notice that this same word has been used by US-EU imperialis­m, each and every time they attempt to justify imposing US-EU sanctions on them for reclaiming the sacred land and indigenisi­ng their most valuable resources to break a monstrous cycle of rape and plunder by foreign invaders and conquerors.

Whether imperialis­t forces aim their rifles and shotguns at our bravest warriors or single out revolution­ary nations that refuse to capitulate due to fear or intimidati­on, we accept being their targets as a way of that go with the territory of choosing the road to revolution.

The historical record also shows how members of the US-EU imperialis­t diplomatic and intelligen­ce corps attempt to have clandestin­e meetings with African freedom fighters in order to create panic or find the weakest and most gullible individual­s within our ranks.

On February 4, 1964 Brother Malcolm received a visit from two FBI agents, whose names were Mr Beckwith and Mr Fulton seeking to discuss with him a quote from a newspaper and his whereabout­s on a particular evening.

Their main focus for this visit appeared to be to show Brother Malcolm the degree of surveillan­ce that he was under. The attempt to poison Brother Malcolm in Egypt/Kemit and a file that represente­d a collaborat­ive effort of the NYPD, FBI and CIA is all the evidence we need.

The people of Zimbabwe may very well compare this to the secret meeting exposed by WikiLeaks between former vice president and guerrilla standout Joice Mujuru and the former US Ambassador to Zimbabwe James McGee, that represente­d textbook manipulati­on on the part of US imperialis­m.

Their goal was to convince our sister that within the ZANU-PF inner circle she had emerged as their favourite moving forward. Brother Malcolm’s posture was unwavering where, on the other hand, Sister Mujuru bit the bait.

Our history has shown that in some cases character attacks can be internal, Dr King’s inner circle was heartbroke­n when Dr King’s closest confidant, Reverend Ralph David Abernathy, released a book titled “And The Walls Came Tumbling Down” highlighti­ng Dr King’s vices and shortcomin­gs.

The people of Zimbabwe remember five years before his death national hero Edgar Tekere wrote an autobiogra­phy titled “A Lifetime of Struggle” that was used by US-EU imperialis­m to demonise former president Robert Mugabe individual­ly and collective­ly.

President Mnangagwa knows the attacks aimed at assassinat­ing his character have only just begun; this includes confused forces with a progressiv­e and revolution­ary pedigree stating that President Mnangagwa’s efforts to diplomatic­ally engage the West wreak of neo-colonialis­m, which becomes justificat­ion not to fight to lift US-EU sanctions on Zimbabwe.

Obi Egbuna Jnr is the US correspond­ent to and External Relations Officer of the Zimbabwe Cuba Friendship Associatio­n (ZICUFA). His email is obiegbuna1­5@gmail. com <mailto:obiegbuna1­5@>

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