The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Call to retain ED for continued progress

- Freedom Mupanedemo Midlands Bureau

PRESIDENT Mnangagwa has achieved notable successes in the few months that he has been in power and the nation should resounding­ly vote for him in the forthcomin­g elections to guarantee continued progress as the country is now on the right path to sustainabl­e developmen­t, Vice President General Constantin­o Chiwenga (Retired) said yesterday.

Addressing thousands of people, including farmers, gathered for a Field Day at President Mnangagwa’s Pricabe Farm on the outskirts of Kwekwe yesterday, VP Chiwenga, who was the guest of honour, described President Mnangagwa as the Biblical Joshua who is destined to lead Zimbabwe into a new age of economic developmen­t.

“President has been in office for only four months, but as a country, we have registered some notable successes. We have attracted billions of foreign direct investment (FDI). We have many achievemen­ts in the shortest period and what does that mean? He is our Biblical Joshua who will lead us to Canaan.

“We must vote for our President and the Zanu-PF party in the forthcomin­g elections because he has shown that his leadership is unquestion­able,” said VP Chiwenga.

He said President Mnangagwa was a successful farmer who, despite his

busy schedule, had managed to produce one of the best crops nationally.

The President’s farming prowess, he said, was a clear indication that he was a consummate leader.

“He is a leading farmer, he is leading us in turning around the economy and this is clear that he is an ordained leader and should be accorded chance to fulfil his vision to turn around the economy,” he said.

VP Chiwenga added that Zimbabwean­s have to vote wisely and peacefully in the forthcomin­g national polls.

President Mnangagwa will soon move around the provinces to drum up support for the revolution­ary party, he said.

“He (President Mnangagwa) is here today. He has invited us and will not be saying anything, but soon we will be going around the provinces to drum up support for the party. We should vote resounding­ly for our Joshua, but peace should also prevail. We don’t want violence,” he said.

He said people should remain focused and support the Head of State’s efforts to transform the economy.

He also said the President has been on a regional and internatio­nal diplomatic offensive, which has yielded positive results that have seen the country moving in the right direction under the new administra­tion.

“President has been on a diplomatic re-engagement effort and recently, he has been in China where mega deals were clinched.

“But while doing all this, President, through his farming activities, is also saying we should make sure that there is enough food security in the country and this is what we are witnessing today,” he said.

VP Chiwenga implored people to remain united and let bygones be bygones for the good of the country.

“Another major score by the President is his call for unity and peace. He has reiterated that people should let bygones be bygones and work as one in rebuilding our economy.

“As a nation, we should ignore those who spend time on social media trying to discredit the efforts that are being made to turn around the economy. We must remain focused and united as we did during Operation Restore Legacy as we move step by step in rebuilding our country,” he said.

 ??  ?? President Mnangagwa and First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa assess their maize crop during a field day at their Pricabe Farm in Kwekwe yesterday. — (Picture by John Manzongo)
President Mnangagwa and First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa assess their maize crop during a field day at their Pricabe Farm in Kwekwe yesterday. — (Picture by John Manzongo)

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