The Herald (Zimbabwe)

VP Chiwenga rallies farmers

- Freedom Mupanedemo and Ishemunyor­o Chingwere

VICE President Constantin­o Chiwenga has rallied farmers to put maximum effort on the land as agricultur­e is the backbone of the economy.

Addressing thousands of people gathered for a field day at President Mnangagwa’s Pricabe Farm on the outskirts of Kwekwe yesterday, VP Chiwenga said agricultur­e contribute­s up to 18 percent of the Gross Domestic Product.

He said farmers must ensure Zimbabwe regains her bread basket status in Africa.

“We are gathered here at President Mnangagwa’s farm to appreciate his work as a successful farmer in Zimbabwe. We should emulate his good work so that agricultur­e which is the backbone of our economy could contribute more to our GDP,” he said.

VP Chiwenga said the major reason for waging the war was to reclaim the land from a minority.

He said Zimbabwean­s should now utilise their land.

“We went to war because we wanted land. Now we have the land so we should work hard and produce. We should take notes from the President and aim at producing more at our respective farms and fields,” he said.

He said land was a precious resource that must be guarded jealously.

VP Chiwenga urged the Ministry of Water, Environmen­t and Climate to work hand in glove with the Lands, Agricultur­e and Rural Resettleme­nt and ensure idle water bodies are put to use.

“We have more than 10 000 dams around the country most of them with lots of water that continue to lie idle. We should work on ways of utilising the water resources so

as to improve our agricultur­al produce,” he said.

Lands, Agricultur­e, and Rural Resettleme­nt Minister Air Chief Marshal (Rtd) Perrance Shiri said land was the only asset that could benefit generation­s to come.

“We are Zimbabwean­s and we should preserve our land. Some minerals such as gold will diminish, but we will remain with our land so

farmers should be environmen­tal friendly in their activities,” he said.

He commended President Mnangagwa for being one of the best farmers in the country despite his busy schedule.

President Mnangagwa has 132 hectares of maize.

He put 92 hectares under soya beans. He expects between 12 tonnes to 15 tonnes of maize per hectare.

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