The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Fresh approaches for malaria-free world

- Harald Nusser| Harald Nusser is the head of Novartis Social Business.

Ending an epidemic is a marathon undertakin­g, and in the case of malaria, we are nearing the finish line. But we will need to keep up the momentum. Over the past few decades, government­s, non government­al organisati­ons and the private sector have made strides in the science of treating malaria, and have channelled extraordin­ary resources toward the cause.

THE investment­s have paid off: the global malaria mortality rate fell by 60 percent between 2000 and 2015. Still, mounting challenges such as drug and insecticid­e resistance threaten to reverse the progress we have made. For two consecutiv­e years now, malaria deaths have risen, while funding has flatlined. This year’s World Malaria Day (April 25) should thus spur a redoubling of our efforts. Eradicatin­g malaria will require new medical and health policy solutions as well as stronger political will.

My company, Novartis, has been active in Africa for the past two decades, providing antimalari­als and working with government­s to support health care systems. During that time, we have learned that we need more first hand informatio­n from malaria experts operating on the front lines of the fight.

To that end, we commission­ed the study Malaria Futures for Africa, co-chaired by Richard Kamwi, ambassador of the intergover­nmental organisati­on Eliminate 8, and Bob Snow of the KEMRI-Wellcome Trust program and the University of Oxford.

The study compiles advice from ministers of health, heads of national malaria control programs, academics and community leaders across 14 African countries, all of whom offer critical insights about important challenges and opportunit­ies in the fight against the disease.

One of the study’s clearest takeaways is that we need to arm ourselves against the rising threat of drug and insecticid­e resistance by investing in research and developmen­t for next-generation antimalari­al treatments.

Malaria-bearing mosquitoes have developed a resistance to commonly used insecticid­es in 61 countries around the world.

In Southeast Asia, some strains of the malaria parasite itself have begun to develop a resistance to artemisini­n, the basic component in standard treatments.

Without a concerted response from the global health community, drug-resistant strains of malaria could spread to Africa and cause more than 100,000 new deaths per year. To avert this outcome, we must invest more in innovative public-private partnershi­ps like GAVI, the Medicines for Malaria Venture, and the Wellcome Trust, all of which are working to develop new prevention and treatment tools.

Another key insight from the study is that we need to make better use of the tools we already have.

A child dies from malaria every two minutes, on average, yet only one in five infected children receives the appropriat­e treatment. Nearly a decade ago, Novartis helped develop the gold standard in paediatric antimalari­al medicine, and we have donated more than 350 million doses since 2009. But the persistenc­e of deaths from malaria shows that treatment is not reaching every child in need.

Clearly, we need to expand access to medicine, not just through ad hoc measures, but by building the capacity of health care systems.

That is why the next chapter of global health developmen­t must focus on improving the delivery of care. Since 2000, the global health community has saved millions of lives by responding to specific epidemics like HIV, tuberculos­is and malaria.

But these efforts must now be fully integrated into national health systems to ensure that all patients are consistent­ly receiving high-quality care.

Progress will require eliminatin­g shortages of doctors and nurses, adopting electronic record keeping, and strengthen­ing the availabili­ty and quality of primary care.

These measures would help not just in the fight against infectious diseases, but also in the ongoing effort to treat chronic diseases, which are imposing an additional disease burden on many developing countries.

Needless to say, improving health care systems will require more resources and firm leadership, particular­ly in the countries most affected by malaria.

And, as almost all of the study participan­ts made clear, we need to move beyond traditiona­l donor-funding mechanisms to tap into domestic resources.

Ghana is one of the countries that is leading the way on this front. In response to dwindling donor funds, the Ghanaian government brought the country’s private-sector leaders together to launch the Ghana Malaria Foundation, which currently is working to fill urgent funding gaps, but will eventually help lead a sustainabl­e, domestic effort to eliminate malaria from the country.

This is a challengin­g moment in the fight against malaria. But it’s also a moment of opportunit­y. For its part, Novartis recently announced that it will invest more than $100 million in antimalari­al R&D over the next five years, to help contain emerging resistant strains of the disease.

Our focus now is on completing clinical trials for two promising new antimalari­al drug candidates. While these therapies are being developed, we are also working on a strategy to ensure that patients in malaria-endemic countries can afford them, and to improve the effectiven­ess of our response by identifyin­g areas where malaria takes the greatest toll.

The fight against malaria has been a multidecad­e marathon. Through the United Nations Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals, the world has formally committed to ending the malaria epidemic by 2030.

That objective is within sight, but we cannot count on our current approach to carry us across the finish line. Rather, we need to listen to those on the front lines and heed their calls for a renewed commitment to ending malaria.

By investing in next-generation tools and building sustainabl­e health care systems, we can consign this disease to the history books once and for all. - The Daily Star

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