The Herald (Zimbabwe)

1 000 Chivi families benefit from solar-piped water project

- Runesu Gwidi Herald Correspond­ent

OVER 1 000 rural households in Chivi District have received a major boost after Government partnered World Vision to roll-out a piped water project worth about $100 000.

The project is expected to see rural households in the Shindi and Vuranda areas in the droughtpro­ne district having reliable access to potable water.

Chivi District Administra­tor Mr Vafios Hlavati yesterday said Chivi Rural District Council also contribute­d funds for the piped-water project, with USAID contributi­ng a lion’s share through World Vision.

“USAID has so far availed $65 000 for the solar-powered piped water project that will benefit 500 families in the Vuranda area of Chivi, but all in all, 804 families in the two wards (Vuranda and Shindi),’’ said Mr Hlavati said.

Mr Hlavati said Chivi RDC was committed to embracing projects that uplift the lives of marginalis­ed people in rural areas. He said the time of giving lip-service to developmen­tal issues was gone.

“‘It’s high time we walk the talk when it comes to developmen­t issues, we no longer want projects that remain pipe dreams,’’ Mr Hlavati added.

The Chivi RDC hailed the partnershi­p between Government and its developmen­tal partners, which he said should be replicated in other parts of the country to engender socio-economic developmen­t.

Chivi RDC was planning to expand the solar-piped water project to other wards in the district covering villagers in areas such as Shindi, Tagu, Tarusenga and Chikwiriro.

Mr Hlavati said provision of piped water across rural communitie­s in Chivi would improve living standards of villagers, most of whom struggle to access potable water in the predominan­tly semiarid district.

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