The Herald (Zimbabwe)

1918-2018: MUMC Vabvuwi’s 100-year journey


THE unique sound of vocal prowess of men’s choirs in the church has over time propelled the Vabvuwi brand. But, is it just about music? No! The organisati­on has been instrument­al in spreading the gospel of course with the accompanim­ent of African musical instrument­s of ngoma nehosho.

As we look back in history from 1918, the journey that the MUMC has travelled for the past 100 years has been both fascinatin­g and guided by the Holy Spirit.

It was a result of the outpouring experience of the Holy Spirit at Old Mutare in 1918 that ignited the revival fire which the church will be gathering at the Zimbabwe Grounds in Highfield from Friday 22 to Sunday June 24, 2018.

Bishop Eben K Nhiwatiwa will preside over the celebratio­ns as the Resident Bishop of the Zimbabwe Episcopal Area.

This Organisati­on is basically an outreach organisati­on deriving its vision from Mark 1 verse 17 were the disciples were called by Jesus Christ to be “fishers of men”.

As such the term Vabvuwi gets value from that biblical background. The purpose, function and operation of the MUMC has its primary focus on the task of bringing lost souls to Christ.

The United Methodist Church believes in the Priesthood of all Believers and as such the spread of the gospel message was and is not limited to clergy alone.

Lay people have a special place in the life of the church in growing the Kingdom of God. Selfless men took it upon themselves to go to “all the world”.

The likes of Baba Gatakata, Baba Pairemanzi, Baba Chingwena and Baba Peter Mudiwa and Baba Mango led the revival crusade of all time as the long serving chairmen of Vabvuwi. Many more have continued to carry the flame on to this day.

MUMC have been instrument­al in the establishm­ent of Nyadire Mission High School in Mashonalan­d East Province and Nyamacheni School in the Midlands Province.

The other area that Vabvuwi has been very instrument­al is preaching the word through music. Some groups were started in Harare, Mutare, Murehwa and other areas for the sole reason of preaching the gospel.

In homes and cars Vabvuwi songs are played same as YouTube and other social media outlets.

The organisati­on has of note been able to help preserve the singing of hymns. While a furore of choruses threatened to take the place of hymns, many musical outfits from MUMC began recording of hymnal songs.

From these, the organisati­on now holds annual Music Festivals through its various structures.

Historical background

Old Umtali or Mutare Mudhara as it was known in the Manicaland province was the place where the great revival started in 1918 when the church was gathered for their annual conference.

Rev Hech who had come from Rusitu Mission preached at the conference. As he was about to end the sermon when the extraordin­ary happened as the church was filled with echoes of people screaming and shouting Halleluiah breaking out in prayer

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